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Achieving Market Dominance: The Role of Backlinks in Establishing Industry Leadership

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In the ever-evolving field of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in driving organic traffic and establishing market leadership. Backlinks, in particular, hold immense power as they serve as the backbone of SEO, propelling websites to new heights and expanding their online presence. 

With that said, I’m excited to share this amazing success story with you. But before we dive in, here’s the scoop:

The Foundation team joined forces with a renowned digital design tool/brand, crafting a game-changing strategy that revolutionized its online presence. Our expert skills in strategic backlink building and SEO played a crucial role in making this outcome possible. And that’s what we’re eager to share with you.

We will dive into the achievements, the approach we adopted, and the substantial growth we experienced in terms of link building, website traffic, and keyword rankings. Let’s get into it!

Background and Objectives

Back in August 2021, we formed a partnership with the client without a specific plan in place.

The brand was seeking a content marketing agency that could help establish its market leadership and position it as a prominent player in the search engine results page (SERP)

Naturally, the brand turned to Foundation for assistance. As its acquisition strategy heavily relied on SEO, it needed a partner to aid in scaling its growth. Here were its primary objectives:

  1. Increase organic traffic, prioritizing product pages
  2. Develop content assets to drive brand awareness
  3. Build a scalable, content-focused traffic engine

So, what did we do? We did what we do best: deep research.

Our Solution

Our team conducted a comprehensive analysis of the industry, combining both qualitative and quantitative research, to formulate an SEO-driven content marketing strategy. Here’s how we executed the plan:

  • Created new content (blog posts) targeting high-volume keywords
  • Conducted in-depth research and analysis of the content marketing mix
  • Launched a link-building campaign and established link partners
  • Monitored performance and provided recommendations to meet organic traffic goals

Additionally, we began by identifying the client’s 1st priority pages, 2nd priority pages, and 3rd priority pages in order to perform a thorough backlink audit to evaluate the current state of the client’s high-level product pages, specifically those targeting broad head terms, with the aim of identifying the backlink gap between the client and the pages/websites currently ranking for each head term.

Screenshot of spreadsheet showing first, second, and third priority pages with backlink gaps for different keywords

This involved analyzing competitors’ backlink profiles and assessing the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to their websites. The findings emphasized the need for a robust backlink-building strategy to solidify the client’s market leadership and drive an increase in organic traffic.

To effectively address the client’s objectives of enhancing its online presence and driving organic traffic, we created a strategy firmly rooted in the principles of SEO. 

This holistic solution encompassed various key components, each working in tandem to maximize the desired outcomes. 

Creating New Content With Targeted High-Volume Keywords

During the initial phase of our engagement, our primary focus was on content creation and optimization for a period of 3-4 months. Our strategy entailed producing 2-4 long-form blog posts per month, specifically targeting the high-volume keywords that we identified.

We conducted thorough keyword research with tools like Ahrefs and Semrush to identify the most relevant and high-volume keywords in the client’s industry. This research provided insights into search volumes, competition levels, and keyword variations.

To determine which keywords to prioritize, we relied on the Organic Search Topic Opportunity Matrix, which holds a central position in all our keyword and topic research efforts at Foundation. Let’s dive into how it works:

The organic search topic opportunity matrix measures search intent relevance and search volume and traffic potential in 4 quadrants

It’s divided into four different quadrants: Priority #1, Priority #2, Priority #3, and Priority #4.

Each quadrant is based on volume and relevance.

  • Priority #1 would be high-volume and high-relevance keywords. This is the absolute best opportunity. These are topics with traffic potential and a ton of relevance to the business. This is what we prioritize first.
  • Priority #2 is low-volume and high-relevance keywords. These include topics with limited (but non-zero) volume that have high relevance. They’re often worth creating for the relevance alone but likely further down the list.
  • Priority #3 would be high-volume and low-relevance keywords. These are usually topics to avoid unless we’re publishing on a massive scale. They represent high-volume topics that have weak ties back to what the business offers.
  • Priority #4 would be the low-volume and low-relevance keywords. We should stay away from these keywords altogether. They have no volume or relevance.

This matrix was essential, as it helped us strategize our content creation efforts more effectively and focus on topics that align with our client’s objectives and yield the best results. 

In addition to keyword research, we emphasized understanding the target audience’s search intent. Recognizing the purpose behind users’ search queries is essential for developing effective content that aligns with their needs and preferences.

By analyzing the search queries associated with the high-volume keywords we identified, we gained valuable insights into the intent behind those searches. This enabled us to create content that specifically addressed the questions, problems, or information users sought.

Throughout this process, we worked closely with the client’s team to ensure that the content we produced was optimized for the identified keywords and tailored to provide valuable and relevant information to the target audience. By delivering informative and engaging content that aligned with the search intent, we successfully captured the attention and trust of users.

Consistently delivering valuable information and addressing the needs of the target audience allowed us to establish the client as a trusted resource within its industry. This approach not only improved its search engine visibility but also solidified its credibility and authority.

After successfully implementing the content strategy, we transitioned our focus to acquiring backlinks. This shift in strategy enabled us to enhance the client’s backlink profile and further strengthen its online presence. 

Earning Backlinks 

The decision to shift our focus from ToFU/MoFU article production to MoFU/BoFU product pages targeting broad seed terms was driven by the client SEO team’s evaluation of its existing strategy. 

The brand had already achieved considerable success with long-tail search queries, dominating those areas effectively. However, it recognized the potential for even greater impact and growth by setting its sights on broader, high-volume keywords.

The goal was clear: When users searched for a generic term like “software” (note that this is just an example), the client wanted to secure top rankings and establish itself as the go-to authority in the industry. By targeting these seed terms, it aimed to capture a larger audience, generate more traffic, and ultimately increase conversions on its product pages.

As the client’s SEO strategy shifted, our role as a content marketing team evolved accordingly. Instead of primarily focusing on content creation, our emphasis turned to content distribution through the process of link building. 

The rationale behind this shift was rooted in the client’s unique position as a dominant force in its primary market. With hundreds of articles already published and high rankings attained, the client needed to expand its reach into new topics and keywords associated with its new offerings and features.

To maintain its leadership and growth trajectory in the industry, the client recognized the importance of building authority and visibility in these uncharted territories. This required a backlink-driven strategy, as earning quality backlinks from authoritative sources is a key factor in search engine rankings.

While some may have initially viewed this approach as risky, the client exhibited confidence in our expertise and shared our enthusiasm for pursuing this new strategy. The client’s trust in our abilities further fueled our determination to execute the backlink-driven approach effectively.

It’s important to note that content creation remained a critical component of the overall content marketing and SEO strategy. However, the balance shifted to prioritize the acquisition of backlinks as a means to establish authority and gain SERP visibility in the newly targeted markets. 

By aligning our efforts with the client’s goals, we were able to drive meaningful results and contribute to its success in disrupting the industry and seizing untapped opportunities.

In light of this, let’s explore how backlinks can benefit your SEO strategy despite some myths you might have heard: 

  1. Improved Search Engine Rankings: Backlinks from reputable sites signal to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy, leading to higher rankings and increased visibility.
  2. Increased Organic Traffic: Backlinks drive targeted traffic to your website as users click on them and discover your content, resulting in higher engagement, conversion rates, and organic traffic.
  3. Expanded Online Presence: Backlinks from diverse and reputable sources create a network of connections, expanding your online presence and increasing the chances of your content being discovered and shared by users on different platforms.
  4. Credibility and Authority: Backlinks from authoritative websites act as endorsements, enhancing your website’s credibility and positioning you as a reliable source of information within your industry.

How We Earned Backlinks for Our Client 

To generate backlinks and strengthen our link profile, we implemented two pivotal approaches: 

  • Conducting targeted link-building campaigns 
  • Establishing strategic link partnerships

With these two approaches, our primary objective was to acquire valuable backlinks to the 12 target pages the client identified. By focusing our efforts on the 12 specific pages, we aimed to enhance its traffic, ranking, visibility, and authority. 

Determining if a Backlink Is High-Quality 

Image showing what classifies as a qualified referring domain

Before pursuing a backlink, whether through a link-building campaign or link partnerships, it was essential to assess the quality of potential sources and ensure they met our set requirements. Here’s how backlink quality was determined: 

  1. Domain Rating (DR) 20+: We targeted websites with a domain rating of 20 or higher, indicating strong authority and credibility.
  2. 100+ Organic Visits per Month: Relevance and significance were ensured by seeking websites with over 100 monthly organic visits.
  3. Follow Links Only: We prioritized follow links as they carry more weight in search engine algorithms.
  4. In-Content Links Only: Contextual links within informative content held priority, offering greater value to users and search engines alike.

Our rationale was simple yet strategic: By adhering to these quality thresholds, we bolstered the value of backlinks to our website. As a result, our search visibility and rankings received a substantial boost, reinforcing our authority and relevance within the industry. 

The pursuit of backlinks from reputable sources positioned us ahead of competitors and led us to significant achievements.

Link-Building Campaigns 

Our link-building strategy revolved around reverse engineering competitor backlinks. By studying and leveraging their backlink profiles, our goal was to strengthen our client’s online presence and improve its search engine rankings. Here’s how we conducted our targeted campaign:

First, we identified 12 target keywords, such as those that our client wanted to rank for. Using Ahrefs’s keyword explorer, we found the top 10 websites ranking for each keyword. Let’s return to our hypothetical keyword example, “software.” 

Screenshot of the top 10 websites ranking for the keyword software

Next, we entered the website links of these top-ranking competitors into Ahrefs’s site explorer tool. Our aim was to discover the domains linking to these competitor pages.

Screenshot of Ahrefs site explorer tool showing the domains linking to competitor pages

To narrow down the results, we applied relevant filters, including the “backlink type: in content” filter. This helped us uncover websites that linked to the competitor websites ranking for our target keyword.

Search filters including backlink type: in content

The logic behind this approach was clear: If these websites were linking to the competitor pages, they might be open to linking to our client as well.

Once we had a list of potential link prospects, we evaluated each website’s relevance to our client’s offerings. We then gathered contact information for the authors responsible for the relevant posts and developed personalized outreach strategies.

During the outreach process, our primary goal was to create compelling pitches that highlighted the value and relevance of our client’s offerings. Through well-crafted emails, we communicated the potential benefits of collaborating and linking to our client’s website.

Email outreach template

By strategically reverse engineering competitor backlinks, we optimized our link-building efforts, ensuring our client received high-quality backlinks from authoritative sources. This approach significantly improved its search engine rankings and enhanced its overall online presence.

In fact, we achieved over 150% of our link-building target in a matter of just a few weeks. The business impact of this effort was significant. The client was able to retain its #1 spot for target keywords and grow from page two to page one for many others. The acquisition of customers from these pages generated millions of dollars in revenue and bottom-line growth.

Link Partnerships

Collaborating with link partners played a crucial role in expanding our client’s website’s backlink profile. We strategically allied with key figures in the industry, engaging in reciprocal promotion and content sharing that included backlinks to each other’s websites.

When conducted properly, link partnerships can be a valuable strategy to enhance website visibility and authority. However, it’s essential to be cautious of spammy link partnerships that can result in negative consequences, such as penalties from search engines like Google, which lead to a detrimental impact on rankings.

To effectively conduct link partnerships, follow these key steps:

  1. Identify Relevant and Reputable Partners: Seek out link partners in related industries with a strong online presence and domain authority.
  2. Personalize Your Outreach: Craft personalized outreach emails that highlight the mutual benefits of collaboration.
  3. Provide Valuable Content: Offer high-quality, relevant content that adds value to the partner’s website and audience.
  4. Incorporate Natural Backlinks: Integrate backlinks naturally within your content, ensuring contextual relevance.
  5. Maintain Transparency and Integrity: Comply with search engine guidelines, avoid manipulative tactics, and prioritize ethical practices.
  6. Nurture Long-Term Relationships: Foster ongoing communication and support and explore opportunities beyond backlinks.
  7. Monitor and Evaluate Results: Regularly assess the impact of link partnerships on visibility, traffic, and rankings.

To ensure white-hat practices in our link partnerships, we implemented specific guidelines that upheld the integrity of our content and provided a valuable user experience. Here are some guidelines we followed and why:

  • DR of 20 or higher: We prioritized reputable link partners to enhance the quality of our backlink profile.
  • Relevance and Integration: Backlinks were seamlessly integrated, offering genuine value to readers.
  • Avoiding Certain Categories: We rejected links promoting paid services, adult content, and other categories that could compromise integrity.
  • Avoiding Competitor Promotions: We refrained from linking to competitor promotions, focusing exclusively on supporting our client.
  • Placement Considerations: Links were not placed in the introduction or conclusion to maintain the article’s structure.

By adhering to these guidelines, we ensured our link partnerships aligned with our client’s brand and content objectives and the best interests of our readers. This approach maintained a high level of quality and relevance in our backlinks, contributing to our content marketing success.

The collaboration with our link partners played a pivotal role in expanding our client’s backlink profile. By continuously seeking valuable link partners and nurturing these relationships, we consistently strengthened the client’s backlink profile, positioning it as an industry leader and ultimately improving its keyword rankings.

Target Pages and Prioritization

When we first started our mission, we focused primarily on optimizing 12 target pages to boost their search engine rankings and improve their online visibility. However, as we dove deeper into the project, we encountered a slight setback — two of our top-priority keywords experienced a notable drop in rankings. Let’s refer to them as keyword X and keyword Y.  

This unexpected turn prompted us to shift gears and place renewed emphasis on these pages in our backlink outreach efforts.

The decline in rankings for keyword X, which had consistently held an impressive position at #2 until mid-April 2022, was particularly disheartening. Similarly, keyword Y faced its fair share of challenges in maintaining its search engine prominence. 

To reverse the downward trend, we were determined to create a targeted campaign that would help us regain their coveted positions. Our team allocated extra resources and implemented strategic measures to achieve this goal.

We left no stone unturned. Using platforms like Ahrefs, we meticulously analyzed the data. We devised a focused backlink outreach plan after comprehensively assessing the situation in order to revitalize keyword X and propel keyword Y back to the top of the search engine results page. 

And the results? Simply remarkable! Formerly relegated to a lower position, keyword X reclaimed its former glory, occupying position #2. We achieved this by acquiring 57 backlinks from our trusted link partners and acquiring five backlinks from our targeted link-building campaigns. 

Graph showing the path from the starting position to the current position for keyword X

Keyword Y also went through a remarkable transformation. In July 2022, it was struggling at the 26th position in search engine rankings. But our efforts to acquire backlinks paved the way for an impressive rise. Today, keyword Y proudly reigns at the top, occupying the prestigious position of #1.

Screenshot of a positive message from the client

In the past year, we gained 120 backlinks to the keyword Y target page from our valued link partners, augmented by four backlinks from our targeted link campaigns.

Graph showing the path from the starting position to the current position for keyword Y

But the success doesn’t end there. We aimed for greatness across the board. Take our efforts to elevate the ranking of the target keyword “keyword T,” for example. 

Initially positioned at #42, our outreach efforts and support from link partners propelled it to the impressive rank of #2. Over the past year, we secured an impressive 41 backlinks from link partners, solidifying its increase in search engine rankings.

Furthermore, we have seen remarkable results for our remaining target pages, reinforcing the effectiveness of our ongoing efforts to improve their rankings. 

Facilitating Focus on High-Growth Keywords

As part of our SEO strategy, the client provided us with some more target keywords for its 2023 objectives, particularly focusing on high-growth keywords related to artificial intelligence (AI).

With AI being a rapidly evolving and highly sought-after field, capturing relevant keywords presented a significant opportunity for the client to establish a strong presence in a competitive market.

Once again, our backlink strategy has yielded impressive results for these target pages. Through targeted outreach efforts for AI-related keywords, we achieved significant improvements in rankings. The client now holds the #1 position for one of its AI-related keywords and the #3 position for the other. 

When we began outreach in May 2023 for the first AI-related keyword, the target page was ranking at the #6 position. After a few months of our backlinking efforts, the page now holds the top spot at the #1 position, having earned 10 backlinks exclusively from our link partners.

Graph showing the path from the starting position to the current position for the first A I related keyword

Similarly, our outreach for the second AI-related keyword started in January of this year. Initially positioned at #17, the keyword now resides at position #3, and we remain confident that our strategy will propel it even closer to the #1 spot.

Graph showing the path from the starting position to the current position for the second A I related keyword

The backlink campaigns and the link partners we established for our client have resulted in it establishing a prominent position in the rapidly expanding AI arena, solidifying its reputation and visibility within the industry.

Measuring the Progress of Our Backlinks

To measure our progress, we focused on a core metric called qualified linking root domains (referring domains). This metric allowed us to track the number of unique, high-quality websites linking to each target page. 

Increasing the number of reputable websites linking to the client’s pages improved their chances of ranking higher in search engines.

By setting clear criteria and partnering with credible websites, we ensured that our backlinking approach emphasized high standards. This intentional focus helped us build partnerships that had a positive impact on the search rankings and overall online presence for our client. 

Deliverables and Results

A total of 632 high-quality backlinks were obtained between February 2022 and the present for the client’s target pages, surpassing our initial monthly goal of 30 backlinks by 114%. Of these backlinks, 617 were earned from link partners, and 15 were earned from link-building campaigns. 

These results are a testament to the power of backlinks in SEO. By analyzing individual page performance, crafting tailored link-building campaigns, and nurturing partnerships with reputable link partners, we were able to revitalize keyword X, elevate keyword Y to new heights, and secure remarkable improvements across our other target pages.

While SEO is constantly evolving, our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results for our clients remains the driving force.

Image of an upward trending bar graph in the palm of a hand

Achieving Market Leadership

Through a strategic approach to backlink building, we effectively assisted a prominent design tool and brand in establishing and reinforcing its market leadership. This resulted in increased organic traffic and a dominant position for high-growth keywords.

By surpassing backlink targets, achieving outstanding SERP visibility, and driving substantial growth, the collaboration between Foundation and the client serves as a testament to the effectiveness of content marketing and SEO in driving success for B2B SaaS brands.

In the continuously changing landscape of digital marketing, the significance of backlinks remains undeniable. The exceptional results we achieved demonstrate the transformative impact they can have on a brand’s online presence.

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