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How Many Blog Posts Should A B2B Company Publish Per Week?

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Do you have to write one blog post a week to be successful in B2B?


Do you have to write more than one blog post a week to be successful in B2B?


I work with B2B brands on content marketing and I’ll be the first to tell you it’s not imperative. Plenty of B2B brands have achieved significant traction without a single blog post. But can it help?

Of course…

The frequency of blog content for a B2B brand is a discussion held in many offices. It’s a discussion that quickly turns into a simple power struggle: Quality vs. Quantity. 

But unfortunately, that’s not where this discussion should start or even end. The discussion surrounding how frequently you should publish blog posts should stem from questions. Questions that will help you better understand your current situation as a business and the opportunity that exists in front of you.

These are the questions you should ask before determining how many blog posts you should publish per week:

What resources are available to your company to execute this effort?

It’s easy to talk about publishing 2 or 4 times a week when the resources are there. But if the resources aren’t available, it’s likely that publishing at that frequency is going to be a struggle.

Ask yourself:

Do you have the time to create 2, 4 or 6 blog posts a week? Does your team? Do you have the money to hire great writers? Do you have the money to hire great content marketers?

Start here.

Start by figuring out what your organization has the capacity to do well, and don’t be afraid to use an AI blog writer to spark content ideas for your first draft and to meet your blog quota.

What’s your brands current position in the market?

If you’re in a competitive space where every ideal keyword has been claimed with 10x content – you’re walking up a steep hill with 50lbs on your back. This isn’t going to be easy.

In this case, it’s possible that you’re going to need to take an aggressive effort as you’re truly playing catch up. You’re going to want to publish a lot of great content but not only on your site. You’ll want to uncover opportunities for guest posts, podcasts, infographics, research and more.

If you’re in a new space where you’re creating the demand for your service or product, it’s a much easier road to travel. You can get away with a few solid blog posts and quickly shoot up the rankings. Of course, it’s not going to happen overnight but with the right strategy and quality content, it’s possible that you find yourself seeing results with 1 or 2 blog posts a month.

What’s the strategy & goals behind creating the blog?

It’s okay to take a strategy where you spray and pray.

It’s an approach that I’ve seen plenty of companies capitalize on quite well (in both b2b and b2c). It’s the BuzzFeed approach. You publish as many articles as you possibly can and for every 15 or 20 articles you share, 1 or 2 are going to be a home-run.

That’s a perfectly fine strategy.

You just have to ensure that internally, everyone is on the same page and aware of the approach. You’re going to need a process in place that allows for speedy publishing, aggressive distribution and a commitment to making metric based decisions once the content is live.

It’s also okay to embrace the Denzel strategy.

The Denzel strategy is the idea of only writing a blog post (being in a film) when it’s worth writing a blog post (you like the script). In this scenario, you have to make every single blog post count. You’re not going for frequency here – you’re going for blog posts that are so informative and insightful that your audience have no choice but to bookmark them.

It’s new industry research. It’s new industry experiments. It’s a new perspective on something that no one else in the industry has taken before. It’s the type of stuff that media will itch to cover.

Here’s the thing — You can also combine these strategies into one.

It all depends on your situation and the strategy that is right for you.

What content promotion strategies should you use?

It’s not rocket science that no matter how well-written your content is, it won’t reach your target audience on its own. In fact, recent research reveals that only 45% of B2B marketers achieved the goal of building leads through content. There might be myriad reasons why their content didn’t perform well, but among the most common is the lack of a solid content promotion plan.

A winning content promotion plan begins with choosing the right strategies. In our view, that means taking actions that can bring you traffic and leads without costing an arm and a leg. Among the most popular are these:

  1. Spreading the word across your SMM platforms
  2. Sending an email campaign to your mailing list
  3. Have an estimate of ROAS, then using paid channels to run social media ads, or even purchasing sponsored content through a marketplace like PRNEWS.IO
  4. Setting up an email outreach campaign to promote your content across a larger audience and building backlinks
  5. Utilizing content syndication
  6. Sharing content across industry groups and communities

Can you attract great writers as guest contributors?

There is power in numbers.

If your brand has already established a quality reputation and a high domain authority, it’s possible that you can take some work off your back by attracting other writers. Allow others to contribute to your blog but ensure that when they do, they’re met with a set of standards surrounding the type of content that you expect to see on your blog. If you do this, it’s easier to increase the number of posts per week without adding too much time to your workload.

Once you’ve answered these questions, you might very well have a clearer picture of what type of frequency you should be publishing on your blog. Still not sure how often you should create content? Get in touch with us – We’d love to see how we could help.

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