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How SafetyCulture Uses Templates & Checklists To Drive Organic Growth

Free Content

When surgeons, pilots, and engineers clock into their jobs, they can’t afford to make mistakes. Mere millimeters can be the difference between success and disaster, so they use carefully constructed processes to ensure they don’t let any errors slip. 

One of the most important tools they use is the simple checklist. But the magic of checklists isn’t confined to the operating room. In the realm of business, these systematic tools have the potential not just to save but also to earn millions in revenue.

Enter SafetyCulture, a beacon in the inspection software industry that has harnessed the power of checklists to monumental effect. Through its innovative approach, the company has demonstrated that when checklists are optimized for user intent and integrated with strategic SEO practices, they can drive organic growth and capture immense value in the digital landscape. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of checklists, exploring their transformative potential and how businesses, inspired by leaders like SafetyCulture, can leverage them for success.

What Is SafetyCulture?

Established as a frontrunner in the inspections industry, SafetyCulture has been around since 2004. A total valuation of $2.7 billion has brought it head and shoulders above its rivals. That dominance is reflected in its organic search metrics, as you can see:

A search scorecard with key search metrics for

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the metrics that underscore SafetyCulture’s success. With a staggering number of users relying on its platform, the company’s website has become a go-to resource for professionals across various sectors. Its impressive organic traffic statistics are a testament to its effective SEO strategies and the value it offers to its audience.

SafetyCulture’s Checklist Collection

The secret to SafetyCulture’s SEO success lies in its impressive collection of checklists. From generic templates that cater to broad needs to niche checklists tailored to specific industries, the company’s repository is both vast and varied. Here’s a quick look at the landing page for its checklists: 

SafetyCulture checklist landing page

There are more than 500 of these articles. But that doesn’t paint a full picture of the library: Each article contains several checklists. The result?

More than 100,000 checklists.

That extensive collection brings value in a few different ways. First, the articles bring in their own organic traffic. 

Strength in Volume

When assessing the value of content, it’s easy to be swayed by the allure of high-traffic pages. However, the true strength of SafetyCulture’s strategy lies not in the individual performance of each checklist but in the collective impact of its extensive content library.

A chart showing the number of SafetyCulture’s articles grouped by how much traffic they get

At first glance, the numbers below might seem a tad underwhelming. With over 522 articles in its repository, only a handful seem to be attracting more than 500 visits. This could lead one to question the efficacy of the majority of its content. But is that the whole story?

Delving deeper, a fascinating trend emerges. As you can see in the chart below, a significant portion of SafetyCulture’s checklist articles garner traffic in the range of 100 to 249 visits. 

Individually, these numbers might seem modest, especially when compared to that one standout article raking in over 1,000 visits. However, when aggregated, these “mid-tier” articles contribute a substantial chunk of the overall traffic.

A chart showing the total traffic generated by SafetyCulture’s checklist articles grouped by how much traffic they get

Consider this: SafetyCulture’s “least productive” articles that bring in fewer than 100 visits each generate far more traffic than the ones that attract over 250 visits each. This aggregated traffic from multiple sources surpasses the gains from a few high-performing articles.

What this analysis underscores is the importance of a diversified content strategy. While it’s tempting to chase the allure of viral hits or high-traffic pages, there’s undeniable value in consistently producing content that caters to various segments of the audience. These “mid-tier” articles, though not blockbusters in their own right, collectively enhance SafetyCulture’s SEO footprint, ensuring a steady stream of organic traffic.

Capturing Valuable Visitors

These articles achieve that volume of traffic by bringing in a wide range of visitors searching for many different terms. That’s because they each rank for a large number of keywords. Just look at this chart below:

A chart showing the number of SafetyCulture’s checklist articles grouped by how many keywords they rank for

As you can see, most of its checklist articles rank for at least 25 keywords, and over 60 rank for at least 100. The company is bringing searchers in from a lot of different sources rather than getting its traffic from ranking at the top for a single, high-volume keyword.

How does it do it? With great on-page SEO.

Mastering On-Page SEO: SafetyCulture’s Checklist Approach

On-page SEO is pivotal in ensuring content is both user friendly and search engine optimized. Just take a look at this screenshot from one of SafetyCulture’s checklists as we break down what makes SafetyCulture’s on-page SEO so great:

As you can see, most of its checklist articles rank for at least 25 keywords, and over 60 rank for at least 100. The company is bringing searchers in from a lot of different sources rather than getting its traffic from ranking at the top for a single, high-volume keyword. How does it do it? With great on-page SEO. Mastering On-Page SEO: SafetyCulture’s Checklist Approach On-page SEO is pivotal in ensuring content is both user friendly and search engine optimized. Just take a look at this screenshot from one of SafetyCulture’s checklists as we break down what makes SafetyCulture’s on-page SEO so great:

Keyword Research: At the heart of on-page SEO lies keyword research. It’s about understanding what users are searching for. By targeting long-tail keywords, which are specific and less competitive, SafetyCulture ensures its content attracts targeted traffic with a higher conversion potential. For instance, a keyword like “morning routine” might attract users looking to improve their daily habits. By creating content around such keywords, SafetyCulture ensures it ranks for a plethora of related terms.

Quality Content: Engaging, informative, and visually appealing content not only retains readers but also signals search engines about its value. Quality content garners backlinks from authoritative sites, boosting the site’s credibility and ranking.

Metadata Optimization: Metadata, composed of the title tag, meta description, and URL structure, plays a crucial role in how content is discovered online. An effective meta title grabs user attention, while a concise meta description provides a snapshot of the content, enticing users to click. Additionally, a clear and descriptive URL structure aids in better content indexing by search engines.

Header Tags: Header tags, like H1, H2, and H3, structure content, making it easily digestible. They help both readers and search engines grasp the content’s essence. SafetyCulture ensures its content is broken down into clear sections using these tags, enhancing readability.

Image Optimization: Images, when optimized, can significantly boost a site’s SEO. By ensuring images have descriptive filenames and alt texts, and by using appropriate formats and compression tools, SafetyCulture ensures its content ranks even in image searches.

Internal Linking: By linking related content together, SafetyCulture enhances user navigation and helps search engines understand content depth and relevance. Such a strategy not only improves user experience but also boosts SEO by ensuring all pages are crawled and indexed.

Mobile Optimization: With a surge in mobile users, optimizing for mobile is non-negotiable. SafetyCulture’s checklists are designed responsively, ensuring they adapt seamlessly across devices. This not only enhances user experience but also aligns with Google’s mobile-first indexing, positively impacting rankings.

In essence, on-page SEO is a blend of user-centric and search engine–focused strategies. By prioritizing both, SafetyCulture ensures its checklists rank high, driving organic growth and cementing its industry leadership.

Matching Search Intent: Meeting Users Where They Are

Understanding and catering to search intent is the linchpin of any successful SEO strategy. It’s not just about getting users to your site; it’s about ensuring that once they arrive, they find exactly what they were looking for. SafetyCulture excels in this domain, and here’s how.

When a user types a query into a search engine, they’re driven by a specific need or problem they’re trying to solve. In the context of SafetyCulture, a person might be searching for a checklist for several reasons:

Streamlining Processes: Whether it’s a retail manager wanting to ensure daily operations run without a hitch or a construction supervisor aiming to uphold safety standards, checklists provide a systematic approach to complex tasks. They break down intricate processes into manageable steps, ensuring consistency and thoroughness.

Training and Onboarding: For businesses, checklists can be invaluable training tools. New employees can use them to understand their roles better and ensure they’re meeting all their responsibilities.

Compliance and Regulation: In industries where adherence to standards is crucial, checklists ensure that all regulatory requirements are met, minimizing the risk of oversights.

Efficiency and Productivity: Checklists can help individuals and teams stay on track, prioritize tasks, and ensure that nothing is overlooked, leading to increased efficiency.

Recognizing these needs, SafetyCulture doesn’t just offer checklists; it offers solutions. Its free, downloadable templates are meticulously designed to match the specific intents of searchers. By providing these resources at no cost, the company positions itself as a valuable, user-centric platform.

For example, a person looking to conduct an environmental audit doesn’t just want any checklist. They want a checklist that will help them meet ISO 14001 standards — an international standard for environmental audits. Of course, that’s exactly the checklist SafetyCulture provides.

But it’s not just about offering the right content; it’s about presenting it in the right way. SafetyCulture’s checklists are easily accessible, with clear CTAs guiding users to download the templates. This seamless user experience, combined with content that perfectly aligns with search intent, ensures that visitors don’t just land on the site and leave. They engage, download, and convert into loyal users or customers.

In essence, by understanding the ‘why’ behind each search and offering content that perfectly addresses that ‘why,’ SafetyCulture has mastered the art of matching search intent, setting a gold standard for businesses aiming to drive organic growth.

But that’s not the only way to convert article visitors into users and customers!

Capturing Leads From Content: The Power of Strategic Pop-Ups

As we’ve seen, well-crafted content can be a magnet that draws users to a website. But the real challenge lies in converting these visitors into leads and, eventually, loyal customers. This is where the strategic integration of lead-capture mechanisms, like pop-ups, comes into play.

SafetyCulture uses pop-ups like the one below to capture leads looking for its checklists. This is a great move, but only because of the way the company implements it.

Screenshot of a popup on SafetyCulture's website

Why Use Lead Capture Pop-Ups on Checklist Articles?

There are a few great reasons why these checklist articles make for great opportunities to have lead-capture pop-ups: 

Immediate Value Proposition: Checklist articles inherently offer value. They promise structure, organization, and efficiency. When a user lands on such an article, they’re already primed to receive value. A lead capture pop-up that offers, for instance, a downloadable version of the checklist or an extended guide, capitalizes on this readiness, presenting an immediate value proposition.

Higher Engagement Rates: Users on checklist articles are actively seeking solutions. They’re not just passive readers; they’re potential implementers. This heightened engagement level makes them more likely to interact with a well-timed pop-up, especially if it promises added value.

Segmentation and Personalization: Pop-ups can be tailored based on the content of the checklist. For example, a checklist about retail store operations could trigger a pop-up offering a comprehensive guide on retail management. This level of personalization increases the chances of capturing a lead, as the offer is directly aligned with the user’s current interest.

Building a Relationship: Offering valuable resources in exchange for contact information is the first step in building a relationship with the visitor. It transitions them from being a one-time visitor to someone with whom the business can maintain ongoing communication, nurturing them through the sales funnel.

Data Collection: Every interaction with a pop-up provides valuable data. Even if a user chooses not to engage, the business gains insights into user behavior, which can be used to refine future strategies.

Best Practices for Implementing Lead Capture Pop-Ups

Of course, that doesn’t mean that any spammy pop-up would work here. Instead, take a look at the criteria below and compare them to the screenshot from SafetyCulture’s website.

Timing Is Key: Don’t bombard users with a pop-up the moment they land on the page. Allow them some time to engage with the content before presenting the lead-capture offer. Notably, the pop-up doesn’t show up on SafetyCulture’s website until you’ve had a chance to skim the page and see if the content you’re looking for is there.

Clear and Concise Messaging: The pop-up should have a clear message highlighting the value the user will receive. Avoid jargon and keep the language user friendly.

Easy Exit: Always provide users with an easy way to close the pop-up. Forcing them to interact can lead to frustration and might deter them from further engaging with the content.

Mobile Optimization: Ensure that the pop-up is optimized for mobile devices, given the increasing number of users accessing content via smartphones and tablets.

SafetyCulture’s pop-ups hit those criteria exactly. They aren’t obnoxious, respond directly to the searcher’s intent, and make it easy for you to click out if you prefer. Plus, they look just as good on mobile as on desktop.

The Checklist for Success

As we’ve journeyed through the intricate world of on-page SEO and content strategy, SafetyCulture stands out as a paragon of excellence. The company’s thorough approach to content creation, optimization, and user engagement has not only elevated its brand but has also redefined how businesses can harness the power of checklists and templates.

Measurable Success: SafetyCulture’s initiative has borne fruit in tangible ways. Its organic traffic metrics are a testament to its dominance in the industry. By focusing on both high-traffic and mid-tier articles, the company has ensured a steady stream of visitors, capturing a broad spectrum of user intent.

Dominating the SERP: SafetyCulture’s success isn’t just about traffic volume; it’s about visibility. Its strategic approach to keyword research, content quality, and on-page SEO has ensured that it consistently ranks high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This visibility means that when professionals search for checklists or related content, SafetyCulture is often their first port of call.

Value Beyond Clicks: The true genius of SafetyCulture’s strategy lies in its ability to capture immense value from the SERP. Every click translates to a potential lead, every download signifies trust, and every return visit indicates satisfaction. Its lead-capture mechanisms, combined with high-quality content, ensure that visitors aren’t just numbers; they’re potential long-term users or customers.

A Blueprint for Others: SafetyCulture’s journey offers valuable insights for businesses across sectors. It underscores the importance of understanding user intent, the power of diversified content, and the need for impeccable on-page SEO. Its success story is a testament to the fact that with the right strategies, businesses can not only capture but also dominate the digital landscape.

SafetyCulture’s approach to using templates and checklists has set a gold standard in content marketing. Its success is a testament to the power of combining user-centric content with robust SEO strategies. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, its story serves as an inspiration and a roadmap for businesses aiming to capture immense value in the SERP.

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