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Deepfakes at Work: Why AI Videos Are the Future of Marketing

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Artificial intelligence has made the media landscape more complex than ever before. 

Here’s the thing — impersonation, misinformation, and deepfakes have created a significant problem for brands, creators, celebrities, and marketing teams at large. The rise of AI makes it difficult for people to trust their eyes when they see something on the internet. And with the rise of what many call a “deepfake” – distinguishing between fiction and non-fiction is even more challenging.

So what are deepfakes? What is an AI-generated video? How are these things made? And what potential opportunities and threats do they pose for marketers? We’ll discuss the answers to these questions and more in this essay. Let’s get into it.

What Are Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are pieces of synthetic media where a person’s likeness, voice, or actions are replaced with someone else’s using artificial intelligence. This technology can create highly realistic videos, making it appear as if someone is saying or doing something they never did.

What Are AI-Generated Videos?

AI-generated videos extend beyond deepfakes. 

A deepfake is typically focused on an individual person, while AI-generated videos can represent almost anything. You can have an AI-generated video of a car turning into a plane or a field of tomatoes growing. 

AI-generated videos are any video asset entirely created by AI involving synthetic characters, scenes, images, voices, and/or scenarios. These videos are generated based on data, scripts, and user inputs, providing a wide range of applications within the workforce. 

How Does Deepfake Technology Work?

Deepfake technology operates using two machine learning models that work in opposition to each other. The first model, called the “generator”, is trained with sample images, audio, and video to create new media or alter existing media to closely mimic the samples.

The second model, known as the “discriminator”, is trained to identify specific features in the samples and detect any inconsistencies in the media created by the generator. The generator then uses this feedback to correct its output. This interaction forms a system called a generative adversarial network (GAN). 

Here’s how it works:

  1. The generator and discriminator algorithms analyze data from media samples.
  2. The generator creates or alters media to resemble the samples as closely as possible, producing an initial deepfake.
  3. The discriminator checks the deepfake for inconsistencies compared to the samples.
  4. The generator addresses the inconsistencies identified by the discriminator and resubmits the deepfake for further evaluation.
  5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until the discriminator can no longer find any inconsistencies.

Through this iterative process, the generator eventually produces or modifies media so accurately that it becomes difficult for both artificial intelligence and human observers to distinguish between the deepfake and the original media. 

One of the most common examples of deepfake usage is content creators developing videos that have their faces swapped with celebrities. Whether it’s random people turning videos of themselves outdoors into videos of Tom Cruise outdoors:

Or when Jordan Peele used deepfake technology to create a PSA as the former US President Barack Obama: 

The technology has created a lot of buzz in the media, government, and culture at large. It’s a very powerful technology that is just starting to show up on a regular basis throughout social media channels and spread throughout the world.

So, how should marketers think about these technologies? How can it be used for marketing and business at large? Let’s dive into it.

The Role of AI in Video Content

AI technologies, particularly Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), are significantly disrupting the video creation process, including commercials and Instagram ads. 

By training on vast datasets, GANs can generate high-quality video content with minimal human intervention. This automation drastically reduces the time and cost involved in video production, talent recruitment, lighting requirements, audio teams, and more. The technology enables brands to produce more content at a fraction of the traditional cost. 

The efficiency of deepfakes and other AI-generated videos allows for rapid A/B testing, where multiple versions of an ad can be generated and tested to determine which elements perform best. You can now create 10 video ads using AI-generated models with specific messages for your audience without actually hiring content creators and influencers to do the work.

More recently, creators have started to monetize their likeness by uploading their images to AI video creation services and receiving a cut when it’s used. 

These technologies enable the creation of highly personalized video content tailored to individual user preferences. As an example, I recently used and reviewed HeyGen, which is an AI video creator tool, after leveraging it to send 30 AI-generated videos to some of my teammates as an experiment. The video was a deepfake of me customized to say the recipient’s first name and company name.

The creative possibilities with GANs are vast, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in video production. They can generate entirely new visual styles, special effects, and imaginative scenes that might be difficult or impossible to create manually. 

This fosters innovation and allows creators to experiment with bold visual concepts, leading to more captivating and memorable advertisements. For example, if you’re looking to develop a mock-up of a video asset to present to a client but don’t have the approval or budget to hire a team to produce spec work, you can leverage deepfake technology to get close to the real thing prior to engaging the talent and team required to create a high-fidelity video asset. 

AI technologies reduce the traditional resource-intensive nature of video production, making high-quality video creation accessible even to small businesses with limited budgets. This democratization of video production, combined with the ability to produce localized content for different markets, represents a significant shift in the industry.

Here are a few high-level ideas that summarize how this technology can be used.

Advantages of AI Video

Hyper Personalization

AI-generated videos, particularly those utilizing deepfake technology, allow for an unprecedented level of personalization. By creating tailored content that speaks directly to individuals, brands and marketers can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. This hyper-personalized approach makes it seem like the video they’re watching was custom made just for them.


Using AI-generated videos eliminates the need for costly production elements such as shoots, sets, and celebrity endorsements. By leveraging AI, companies can produce high-quality content at a fraction of the traditional cost, allowing for more frequent updates and variations to keep the marketing fresh and relevant without breaking the budget.

We know that this one advantage, in particular, is of interest to marketers after conducting an AI marketing survey and finding that they viewed time savings as the greatest benefit:

Creative Flexibility

AI-generated videos provide limitless creative possibilities, enabling brands to reimagine their marketing narratives and visuals. Deepfake technology can seamlessly integrate any scenario, character, or setting, allowing marketers to experiment with innovative ideas and compelling storytelling techniques. 

Scalability and Speed

AI-generated videos can be produced quickly and at scale, effortlessly meeting the demands of large marketing campaigns. This scalability ensures that content can be rapidly deployed across multiple channels and markets, maintaining consistency and reach without sacrificing quality.

Adaptability to Market Trends

AI can swiftly adapt video content to reflect current market trends and consumer preferences. This agility ensures that marketing campaigns remain relevant and timely, capitalizing on emerging opportunities and resonating more effectively with target audiences.

While these ideas are great, the reality is that deepfakes still come with concern.

Here are some of the disadvantages that marketers and brands need to be aware of.

Disadvantages of AI-Generated Video

Ethical Concerns and Misuse

One of the primary disadvantages of AI-generated videos, especially those involving deepfake technology, is the potential for misuse. Deepfakes can be manipulated to create misleading or harmful content, raising ethical questions about authenticity and trust. Brands must navigate these concerns carefully to avoid damaging their reputation and eroding consumer trust.

Legal and Regulatory Issues

The legal landscape surrounding AI-generated videos is still evolving. There are uncertainties regarding copyright, intellectual property, and the right to privacy. Brands must stay informed about the latest regulations and ensure compliance to avoid legal repercussions.

Technical Limitations and Quality Issues

While AI technology has advanced significantly, it is not infallible. AI-generated videos can sometimes suffer from technical glitches, such as unnatural facial movements or synchronization issues. These quality issues can detract from the overall viewer experience and diminish the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Privacy Concerns

The use of personal data to create hyper-personalized content raises significant privacy concerns. Consumers may feel uncomfortable or violated if they perceive that their personal information is being used without their explicit consent. Brands must be transparent about their data usage policies and prioritize consumer privacy in order to maintain trust.

Job Displacement

The increasing adoption of AI in video production could lead to job displacement in traditional roles such as videography, editing, and creative directing. This shift may result in a loss of jobs for professionals in these fields and require a reevaluation of workforce needs and training programs.

Wrapping Up

AI-generated videos represent a powerful tool in the modern marketer’s arsenal, offering substantial advantages such as hyper personalization, cost-effectiveness, creative flexibility, and enhanced analytics. These benefits can transform marketing campaigns, driving higher engagement, better ROI, and a sustainable approach to content creation. However, these advantages come with their own set of challenges.

Here’s my take:

AI video content is going to provide marketers with a superpower. 

We’re going to be able to create things we never could have imagined. We’re going to see AI shake up ecommerce. We’re going to see AI shake up podcasting. We’re going to see AI impact B2B and B2C. We’re going to be able to develop and tell stories in ways that are more immersive and effective. We’re going to see AI change the world. But with this power comes a great deal of responsibility — a responsibility that none of us should take lightly. 

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