Production Coorindator

Nova Scotia, Canada

Halifax, Canada


Bronwyn is a Production Coordinator with Foundation. 

She is an operations specialist with 15+ years of experience. Leading teams of up to 30, she has successfully planned and executed countless projects and events.

It is through this experience that she is motivated by taking the process of taking ideas from start to finish. Optimization and efficiency are what drive her passion to help the team achieve their goals.

Her work with startups has led her to excel in agile project management, ensuring quick pivots and continuous improvement in fast-paced environments.

Here’s a brief taste of Bronwyn’s personality.

What is usually playing in your headphones?

I love all music, but it depends on what I’m doing. When I’m driving, I like anything I can sing along to. My favourite CD as a child was one of my parents’ old mixes of ’60s billboard hits.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an interior designer. I have done some work in that field but ultimately felt it was more of a passion project for me and not a career. I still do some freelance work for friends and family.

What are you happiest doing, when you are not working?

Anything in the sunshine with my doggo, Milly. Swimming, hiking, gardening, or just sitting on the deck with friends and family.

Travel is also one of my passions, I love a new adventure — I realized recently that I have climbed more than one volcano!

What is your hidden talent?

Puzzles. It’s not very hidden since I tend to brag about it. 

I took up golf last year, so I am hoping that will be a hidden talent. Not quite there yet, though!

What is one of your favourite quotes?

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” — Unknown


“Curiosity fed the cat. Get it straight.” — Anonymous

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