
What is Time to Value (TTV)?

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Time to Value (TTV) is a business metric that measures the period it takes for a customer to realize the value or benefit from a product or service after purchase. In the context of B2B marketing, TTV is crucial as it directly impacts customer satisfaction, retention, and the overall perception of a brand.


  1. Software Implementation: A company purchases a new CRM system. The TTV would be the time taken from the purchase date until the company starts seeing improved customer relationship management and increased sales.
  2. Consulting Services: A business hires a marketing consultancy firm to improve its digital presence. The TTV is the duration from the start of the consultancy contract to the point where the business observes increased online engagement and lead generation.
  3. Subscription Services: A B2B organization subscribes to a market research platform. The TTV would be the time from subscription initiation to when the organization gains actionable insights that drive their marketing strategies.

Next Steps

  1. Evaluate Current TTV: Understand your current TTV metrics and identify areas of improvement.
  2. Streamline Onboarding: Ensure that the onboarding process for your product or service is efficient and user-friendly.
  3. Provide Training and Support: Offer comprehensive training and support to help customers realize value faster.
  4. Gather Feedback: Regularly collect feedback from customers to understand their challenges and continuously improve the TTV.

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