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10 ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing That You Should Be Using

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We’ve all heard about how AI is transforming the world of marketing. But a lot of marketers have a dirty secret: They aren’t actually using it!

That’s because prompt engineering can be a little trickier than you might think at first. That’s why we’ve spent the last few weeks putting together a list of the most useful ChatGPT prompts you should be using for marketing.

Even if you think you’ve mastered the tool, stay tuned: Its capabilities might surprise you. I know I’m always learning more about how ChatGPT works, so you should pay attention, too! Let’s dig in together.

  1. Write X Social Media Posts About the Following Blog Post 

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times: Create once, distribute forever.

But distributing doesn’t have to take forever. That’s because ChatGPT can read your blog post, summarize it, and turn it into as many social media posts as you want, for any platforms you want, in any tone or voice you want. 

This command is first because it’s so flexible. You can have ChatGPT write 10 LinkedIn posts promoting your blog post or even have it write TikTok scripts or Reels. Use this prompt to make your content distribution process as smooth as possible and generate ideas for your next social media campaign.

  2. Expand This List

A lot of blogs are built on list articles—hey, look, you’re reading one now! But a lot of list articles are so short they don’t benefit from the list format (“The top three software tools for X!”) or end up getting artificially lengthened with a bunch of low-quality filler.

With that context, you might be suspicious. How would asking AI to expand your list make it any better quality?

Well, the answer lies in what AI can do best: work in volume. If you want five more items for your list, ask it for 20 or 30. Then, you can pick the best ones for your article and end up with something even more well-rounded.

  3. Write X Conversion-Focused Email Subject Lines Based on the Following Email

Crafting the perfect email subject line is an art, but it’s also a science that ChatGPT can help decode. By analyzing successful email campaigns, AI can generate a plethora of catchy, conversion-focused subject lines that stand out in any inbox. 

This prompt goes beyond generic suggestions by tailoring to your specific content, audience, and conversion goals. You can ask it to generate 10 subject lines, pick your favorite two, and A/B test those to see which performs best.

  4. Generate Blog Post Ideas for [Specific Product/Service]

This prompt is a powerful tool for content marketers as it allows for targeted brainstorming. By specifying a product or service, ChatGPT can generate a plethora of ideas that directly relate to the offering, ensuring relevance and potential customer engagement. 

When using this prompt, consider providing additional context, such as target audience, industry trends, and your company’s unique selling propositions, to help refine output. However, there may be instances where the prompt could require further explanation. 

For instance, if the product or service is particularly niche or technical, providing additional background information can help guide the AI’s idea generation. Similarly, if there’s a specific marketing goal or angle you’re aiming for, incorporating it in the prompt could yield more focused results.

  5. Act As…

With this prompt, you can ask the AI to act in a specific role. For example, you can ask it to act as an expert social media marketer or as a McKinsey consultant giving advice. You can also ask it to act as an audience member who will be receiving the content so it can create something tailored to their needs.

By providing the AI with direction and context through a prompt, you’re empowering its productivity and creativity. This helps ensure that you get high-quality output with each iteration of idea generation. Furthermore, by taking advantage of this feature, you can save yourself time and effort in creating content, as the AI essentially acts as a surrogate for your own thoughts and ideas.

However, to get the most out of this prompt, be specific with your role definition and provide enough background information for the AI to fully understand its persona. Additionally, don’t rely solely on the output generated by the AI; always review and refine it to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and goals.

  6. Brainstorm Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas for [Specific Occasion/Season]

As marketers, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to reach our target audience. With this prompt, you can ask ChatGPT to brainstorm creative marketing campaign ideas specifically tailored for a specific occasion or season. Whether it’s a holiday, a special event, or a particular time of year, the AI can generate unique and engaging ideas that will help your brand stand out. 

However, it’s important that the AI can be limited by your prompt. Try a few different versions of this prompt to get the most diverse and relevant ideas. For example, if you’re looking for Fourth of July marketing campaign ideas, also ask for summer holiday and summer barbecue marketing campaign ideas.

  7. Optimize for SEO

This prompt is a little more complicated, and it comes courtesy of Matt Diggity. In general, it helps you evaluate how well an article you’ve written matches Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. This is the command: 

“Please start by reading this document: [Insert Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines].

ChatGPT, read my article here [insert URL]. Then, compare my article with these three that rank higher for the keyword, [insert keyword].

Based strictly on the guidelines or principles outlined in the first document, analyze these articles and compare them in terms of the depth and detail of the content, the demonstration of expertise and credibility, and how well they fulfill the user’s intent.

Provide a list of specific action points for improvements that could potentially enhance the ranking of my article strictly based on areas where you verified through the text that the other articles are performing better.

Please exclude any generic SEO advice. I only want action points based on where these articles are outperforming mine.”

This command might be lengthier than others, but that’s part of what makes it powerful. With the degree of specificity given, you’ll get the quality answer you’re looking for. You can use this command to get straight to the heart of issues with content performance.

  8. Generate an AIDA for… 

The AIDA model is a useful way to frame an article we’ve talked about in depth before. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This model is an effective way to structure a persuasive article, or even just the introduction to an article, that will grab the reader’s attention and convince them to take action, like reading the rest of the article. 

This prompt makes that process easier by building out what each component of that framework could look like for your article. For example, you could ask it to generate an AIDA for an article about the best ChatGPT prompts for marketing.

In fact, I did! You can see the results below, but what I’d say is that although they’re serviceable, they aren’t what I chose to go with for this article. But they’re a good starting point for understanding how you can outline a whole article or just an introduction.

A screenshot of a ChatGPT response outlining the AIDA for this article

  9. Turn This ____ into a ____

Content repurposing is one of the most powerful and underappreciated tactics for expanding your content library for maximum impact and minimum expense. It’s where you turn content of one format, like an ebook, into others, like blog posts, videos, infographics, or social media posts.

With this prompt, you can turn any of the content you’ve already created into any other format, amplifying its impact significantly. For example, here are five tweets that AI wrote based only on the sixth prompt in this article: 

A screenshot of five ChatGPT tweets based on a prompt to brainstorm creative marketing ideas about this article

It could also expand that section into an article outline, a video script, or anything else we might need.

  10. Create a Mockup of…

Ever had an idea for a graphic but had trouble describing it to a graphic designer?

ChatGPT can save you a lot of back-and-forth now that it can give prompts to DALL-E. Just ask it to create a mockup of a graphic and keep specifying until you have something that looks roughly like you want your graphic designer to create.

It isn’t good enough to replace a professional designer (yet!), but it can act as a great partner in the creative process, letting you express your ideas much more clearly.

How to Take Your Marketing Game to the Next Level

ChatGPT is a tool so powerful that no matter how you’re using it, you’re missing out on something. We’re only just scratching the surface of what it can do for our industry, and as we continue to look further, we’re sure to unlock more secrets to take our work to the next level.

Access Even More Prompts

Ready to kick your AI game and prompt engineering skills up a notch? Check out our AI Marketing Console. It’s the real deal for marketers looking to crush it with tools like ChatGPT & Midjourney. We’ve got all the data you need to get more done, faster, and with that edge. This isn’t just about using AI—it’s about leveling up your game.

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