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Growth vs. Validated Search Engine Optimization Compared

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In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, understanding the nuances of search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for any business aiming to increase its online presence. Among the various facets of SEO, two content strategies often stand out: growth SEO and validated SEO.  But what exactly are these strategies, and how do they differ? More importantly, how can you leverage them to boost your website’s performance and rankings in search engine results?

This blog post aims to demystify these concepts, highlighting the unique attributes and benefits of both growth SEO and validated SEO. Whether you’re a seasoned marketing professional or a business owner looking to enhance your online visibility, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your SEO strategy

So, buckle up as we delve into the intricate world of growth SEO and validated SEO, paving the way for improved search engine rankings and, ultimately, business success. Effective SEO strategy has several great benefits, so make sure you check these out before you move on!

Chart of the key benefits of SEO

What Is Growth SEO?

Growth SEO is the practice of creating content based on opportunities you think you’ll have in the future. Often, growth SEO is done based on experience and know-how in addition to research, which makes it tricky to do well but potentially high reward.

A growth SEO strategy involves making content for terms you believe will be searched more often in the future. When you do this, you’re investing in content for the future: It might not pay off in the short term, but you’re hoping for a long-term play.

Growth SEO also requires creativity and experimentation. As the name implies, you’re growing your content strategy by targeting non-traditional keywords, creating new pieces of content that you think will be successful, and leveraging your own understanding of the market to guide your decision-making. Growth SEO can be used for both organic search engine optimization as well as paid search engine optimization.

The benefit of growth SEO is that if you’re successful in predicting the future, you can create content that capitalizes on emerging trends and puts your website ahead of the competition. Plus, if done correctly, growth SEO can give you a large return on investment since it helps you capture audience attention before anyone else does.

What Is Validated SEO?

Validated SEO, unlike growth SEO, is a more traditional approach to search engine optimization. It involves creating content that targets terms that are already proven to be popular with searchers. This type of strategy plays it safe by focusing on terms that have already been searched for and are demonstrating a need for that particular content.

Validated SEO is best used when you’re looking to create content that caters to an existing audience and provides them with the information they’re searching for. It involves using keyword research tools such as Google Trends, AnswerThePublic, Semrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer to identify popular search terms related to your industry. This data can then be used to create content that is optimized for those terms.

The benefit of validated SEO is that it allows you to invest your time and resources into content that will have an immediate impact. Since the demand has already been established for these terms, you’re more likely to see results faster than with a growth SEO strategy. However, the downside of validated SEO is that it can become stale over time, and you may miss out on capturing new trends as they emerge.

To sum it all up:

Who Should Focus on Growth SEO? 

Businesses that are in the early stages of their search engine optimization journey should focus on growth SEO. This type of strategy is especially beneficial for those who don’t have much data to analyze, as it allows them to make educated guesses based on industry trends and experience. It also provides an opportunity to test out various tactics without having to invest heavily in validated SEO tools.

Growth SEO is also a great option for businesses that can’t afford to invest in paid search engine optimization campaigns. While it may take longer to see results, growth SEO allows you to maximize ROI by targeting emerging trends and terms that don’t require large investments in keywords or ad spend.

Businesses with an existing validated SEO strategy should also consider incorporating growth SEO into their overall content marketing plan. This can help them capture the attention of new searchers and stay ahead of the competition. Additionally, by investing in both strategies, they can ensure that their website remains relevant across all search engine results pages, as well as benefiting from a diversified approach to content creation.

Finally, growth SEO is a great fit for companies that have industry expertise. That expertise can help you make more accurate predictions about search trends, allowing you to create content that has a better chance of ranking. With this knowledge, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on opportunities before their competitors do.  

Who Should Focus on Validated SEO?

Businesses with existing data and analytics should focus on validated SEO first. This type of strategy relies heavily on data-driven insights, and the more information you have about your target audience and their search habits, the better off you’ll be. This makes validated SEO an especially good strategy for businesses focused on enterprise SEO. A larger company with an established audience and advanced SEO tools will be able to quickly succeed with a validated SEO strategy.

Validated SEO is also ideal for businesses that depend heavily on proven results in their content marketing. While it may require more time and effort to establish a validated SEO presence, the results are often worth it. This type of strategy also suits those who are looking for quick wins, as validated terms will already be familiar to searchers and, therefore, easier to rank for. 

Finally, validated SEO is a great fit for businesses that are struggling to gain visibility in an ultra-competitive market. It allows you to target terms that have already been proven successful, making it easier to stand out from the competition and increase your website’s rankings. Additionally, by targeting established terms, you can ensure that your content is providing value to searchers and helping to drive conversions. 

Growth SEO and Validated SEO Compared

Growth SEO and validated SEO strategies have a few key advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, where growth SEO is high-risk, it also has a high potential for rewards. It doesn’t rely on expensive SEO tools, and it allows you to better take advantage of your industry expertise.

On the other hand, validated SEO is low-risk and provides more reliable results. It can be expensive to set up, but it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for proven wins. Plus, it allows you to target terms that are already popular with searchers and, therefore, easier to rank for. If you choose wisely, it can even be a way to create evergreen content with a constant flow of searchers. If you already have the tools handy, validated SEO can be relatively quick to rank with.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Between Validated SEO and Growth SEO

When choosing between validated SEO and growth SEO strategies, several factors should be considered to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

  1. Business Stage: If your business is at an early stage with minimal data to analyze, growth SEO may be more beneficial as it allows for more experimentation based on industry trends and intuition. Though, if your business has a significant amount of data and insights, validated SEO can provide an immediate impact by focusing on already popular search terms.
  2. Content Creation: Growth SEO requires a creative approach to content creation as it involves predicting future trends. If your team has the capacity for creative ideation and is open to experimentation, growth SEO might be the right fit. However, if you prefer a more structured content strategy, validated SEO offers a more data-driven approach.
  3. Risk Tolerance: Growth SEO is a higher-risk strategy; you’re investing resources into content that might not pay off immediately. If your organization is risk-averse and prefers more assured outcomes, validated SEO can provide more reliable short-term results.
  4. Budget: Validated SEO often requires the use of paid tools for keyword research and data analysis. If you can allocate a budget for these tools, validated SEO could be a good fit. However, if your budget is limited, growth SEO can be implemented with minimal financial investment.
  5. Industry Expertise: If you have considerable industry expertise, you may be able to predict future search trends accurately, making growth SEO a viable option. If you’re less confident about predicting trends, validated SEO’s focus on existing popular search terms could be more advantageous.

That’s not to say you can only choose one or the other. A complete SEO strategy can include using both of those strategies at different levels of investment, as shown in the chart below.

Validated and growth SEO risk and investment levels

How To Achieve Your SEO Goals 

In conclusion, both growth SEO and validated SEO hold significant potential for enhancing your digital footprint and driving online success. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and the choice between the two strategies largely depends on your business’s unique needs, capabilities, and goals. But remember, you’re not alone on this journey. 

Foundation Labs is here to guide you every step of the way, providing detailed insights and innovative solutions tailored to your SEO needs. Join today, and let’s explore this ever-evolving world of SEO together, pioneering new frontiers and rising above the competition. Together, we can build your online presence, drive traffic, and achieve your business goals. Don’t just keep up with the digital world — let’s lead it together.

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