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The Template for Success: How Miro Grows Using Templates

Free Content

Out of all the keywords that Miro’s website ranks for, its templates are the pages ranking for over a third of them.


Because Miro leverages templates to enhance its content marketing strategy, driving SEO and user engagement. By transforming each template into an article, Miro optimizes keyword ranking, contrasting with sites directing users to a sign-up page. 

This approach eases lead capturing with clear CTAs inviting users to preview or use templates, simplifying searches, and improving the user sign-up experience. 

Additionally, Miro’s community, termed ‘Miroverse,’ thrives on user-generated content, promoting organic content expansion and a stronger community and demonstrating the potential of templates in modern digital marketing.

Come with me and explore the strategy behind Miro’s reliance on templates as a primary search engine results page (SERP) ranking factor.

Building Keyword Dominance

Let’s dive into how Miro is rocking the online world with its templates. Did you know that more than half of the keywords that bring people to Miro’s website are about its templates? That’s right! Miro focuses on these templates and ends up getting a ton of online attention. The company doesn’t spread itself thin by trying to cover everything. Instead, it zeroes in on these templates, and the strategy is working wonders for it. It’s like finding a gold mine in one spot and really making the most of it rather than looking for veins all over the place.

By focusing on a specific set of keywords related to these templates, Miro not only reinforces its expertise in this area but also ensures a consistent stream of traffic. This targeted approach is a key driver behind the website’s SEO success, making Miro a go-to resource in its field. It’s a clear demonstration of how a concentrated effort on a specific segment of content can yield significant results in search engine rankings.

Making Each Template an Article

Miro’s approach here is a standout example of clever marketing. Rather than just providing a basic template, it elevates each one to the level of a full-blown article. This is a significant shift from the norm. Each template is crafted not just as a tool but as a narrative, teeming with insights, practical tips, and, importantly, a rich array of keywords. These keywords are carefully chosen to align with what users are searching for, making them highly effective in attracting online traffic.

This method stands in stark contrast to the usual practices seen on many websites. Typically, users are directed straight to a template with minimal context or urged to sign up, bypassing the chance to engage them further. While direct routes to templates or sign-up pages might seem efficient for lead generation, they miss out on the crucial opportunity to build a connection with the audience.

Miro understands the value of engagement. By embedding each template within an article, the company creates a more immersive experience. The reader doesn’t just get a template; they receive a story, a set of instructions, and a treasure trove of information that adds value to their visit. This strategy enhances the perceived usefulness of Miro’s website, encouraging visitors to spend more time on the site and explore other offerings.

Furthermore, this approach has a dual benefit. Firstly, it serves the immediate needs of the user, providing them with the practical tool they sought. Secondly, it enhances Miro’s online visibility. Search engines favor content-rich, informative, and user-friendly pages. By fleshing out each template into a detailed article, Miro optimizes its content for search engines, which likely contributes to its strong performance in SERPs.

Miro’s strategy also demonstrates an understanding of user intent. People often search for more than just templates; they seek guidance, examples, and context. By combining the template with an article, Miro addresses these needs, making its website a one-stop shop for information and resources.

This innovative approach to using templates as a gateway to more comprehensive content sets Miro apart in the digital marketing landscape. It underscores the untapped potential of well-crafted, content-rich templates in driving SEO success. Not only does it increase the likelihood of Miro’s content ranking highly on SERPs, but it also showcases the company’s commitment to providing value to its users. This dual focus on user experience and SEO optimization is a hallmark of Miro’s digital strategy, making it a useful example of effective online marketing.

Case Study: Customer Journey Map

It’s time for a case study within the case study! Seriously, looking closely at just one template is going to go a long way to explain just how interesting, innovative, and effective Miro’s strategy here is. 

In this case, we’re going to break down the page where you can download Miro’s customer journey map template. It’s one of the top-performing pages on Miro’s website overall, and it’s a great way to show off everything the company does right.

First, let’s start with the stats: This page is ranking for over 1,000 keywords and driving about 1,600 visits per month at a value of about $8,400 per month, according to Ahrefs. Immediately, something should jump out at you: That’s less than two visits per keyword and $5.25 per visit—that’s a lot!

That means this page may not have the highest volume you could hope for, but every visit is from searches related to high-value and specific keywords. That’s exactly what you want for people you’re trying to turn into leads: people with narrow searches they want answers for and who care about value and specificity.

The page itself starts with a simple format. You can see a brief but compelling description, a simple call to action, and a large image that shows you exactly what you get if you decide to use it. It’s all simple but effective, and most websites would stop right there.

Miro's customer journey map template webpage

But Miro doesn’t. Instead, the company has 1,650 words of great, SEO-friendly content. The page covers what the template is, how to use it, what yours should include, and some FAQs. It’s nothing groundbreaking—frankly, it’s pretty ChatGPT-able. But that doesn’t matter because the strategy is solid.

Lead Capturing

Lead capturing is a crucial part of the sales and marketing funnel. It’s important you get your key lead capture pages right, and Miro’s approach to it through its template strategy is both unique and effective. Unlike the standard gated content, such as reports or whitepapers, templates offer immediate and tangible utility. 

This practical value makes the ‘gating’—the process of requiring users to provide information before access—feel less burdensome and more justified. Users can immediately perceive the benefit of accessing these templates, making them more willing to engage with the gating process.

Strong CTAs

Each of Miro’s templates is not just a tool; it’s a call to action (CTA). The genius lies in how Miro incorporates these CTAs. Every template comes with a subtitle that doubles as a CTA, gently nudging the user towards taking action. This could be an invitation to preview the template or use it right away. This strategy is effective because it presents users with clear, immediate options, making the decision-making process simpler and more intuitive.

Even better, the templates library includes CTAs that appear as soon as you hover over a template you might be interested in. You can either preview it to learn more or start using it right away—as soon as you hand over your information, of course. 

Miro's templates library webpage

The CTAs are crafted to be direct yet non-intrusive, striking the right balance between guiding the user and allowing them the freedom to explore. This approach respects the user’s autonomy while providing clear directions on how to proceed, enhancing the overall user experience.

Simple Searches

The ease of use extends to Miro’s search functionality as well. The search process on its site is streamlined and user friendly, enabling users to find the templates they need without hassle. The use of relevant and useful tags further refines this process, allowing users to navigate through the vast array of templates with ease. These tags are not just randomly assigned; they are carefully selected to match the most common and relevant user queries.

Furthermore, Miro’s website features suggested alternatives at the bottom of each template, which are both relevant and well-curated. This thoughtful addition aids users in discovering other templates that might suit their needs, enhancing their engagement with the site.

Creating New Users

Miro’s strategy for capturing leads is notably different from the norm. Instead of using standard lead-capture forms that collect basic contact information, Miro employs a user sign-up page as a gateway. This approach is more beneficial than traditional methods for several reasons.

By converting a lead into a registered user, Miro not only captures the user’s basic information but also integrates the person into Miro’s ecosystem. That increases the likelihood of future engagement and conversion. The sign-up process is seamless and user friendly, removing barriers to conversion. By making the process as frictionless as possible, Miro increases the chances of users completing the sign-up, effectively turning visitors into potential long-term users.

This method of lead capturing is more advantageous because it establishes a more substantive relationship with the user. Instead of being a faceless entity in a database, the user becomes a part of Miro’s community. This engagement fosters a sense of belonging and potentially increases user loyalty and retention.

Additionally, the seamless sign-up process reflects Miro’s understanding of user experience. By removing unnecessary complexities and making the process straightforward, the company reduces the risk of user drop-off. The easier it is for a user to sign up, the more likely they are to complete the process and start using Miro’s services.

Miro’s approach to lead capturing, with its emphasis on user experience, immediate utility, and seamless integration into the user community, sets a new standard in online marketing. By focusing on creating value for the user and making every step of the journey as smooth as possible, Miro not only captures leads more effectively but also enhances the likelihood of these leads turning into loyal users. This strategy demonstrates a deep understanding of the modern consumer’s needs and behaviors, making Miro a noteworthy example in the field of digital marketing.

Enter the Miroverse

The term “Miroverse” might sound like it’s from a science fiction novel, but it’s a very real and integral part of Miro’s digital ecosystem. The Miroverse is what Miro calls its collection of community-contributed content, where users can create and share their own templates. While these user-generated templates might not have the same SEO clout as Miro’s own template-article combos, they bring a host of unique benefits to the table.

User-Generated Lead Capture

Having users contribute their own content is a goldmine for Miro, and here’s why: It’s authentic, relatable, and diverse. When users create and share templates, they are essentially endorsing Miro and its platform, making this form of content highly valuable. It’s one thing for a company to tout its own product, but when real users share their creations, it speaks volumes about the platform’s utility and appeal.

This user-generated content also fosters a stronger community. Users are not just passive consumers; they are active participants, creators, and advocates. This sense of ownership and community engagement is something traditional forms of lead capture cannot replicate. It’s a more organic way to build a user base, as new users are drawn into a vibrant, active community where their contributions are valued and showcased.

Furthermore, when users contribute their own templates, they are effectively capturing leads for Miro. Each shared template acts as a beacon, attracting other users who see the practical value and creativity of the Miro community. This peer-to-peer recommendation is a powerful form of lead generation, often more effective than traditional marketing tactics.

Organic Content Expansion

The Miroverse is a perfect example of organic content expansion. By allowing users to create and share their own templates, Miro ensures that its content continuously evolves to meet the diverse and changing needs of its user base. This approach is incredibly effective because it taps into the collective creativity and expertise of Miro’s users, resulting in a rich and varied repository of templates.

The cost-effectiveness of this strategy is another major advantage. Instead of investing heavily in content creation, Miro leverages the skills and enthusiasm of its users. This not only saves resources but also results in a more authentic and diverse content offering.

The Miroverse naturally extends Miro’s reach to international audiences too. Users from around the globe contribute templates that reflect their unique cultural and business contexts. For example, a user from Japan might create a template that addresses specific business practices unique to the Japanese market, while a user from Brazil might share a template that’s tailored to Brazilian business culture. This internationalization of content is organic and user-driven, making Miro’s platform more globally inclusive and relevant.

It isn’t just about culture either. Those users are making contributions in their native languages, which is a bigger deal than you might think at first. That’s because hiring translators can be expensive, but there’s a whole world of foreign-language SEO that most companies never even think to enter. Miro gets to make waves there for free; its users do the hard part for it.

The Miroverse is much more than just a collection of user-generated templates; it’s a dynamic, self-sustaining ecosystem that drives lead generation, community engagement, and organic content expansion. By harnessing the power of its user community, Miro has created a platform that not only meets the diverse needs of its users but also continuously evolves and expands, reaching new markets and demographics with minimal cost. The Miroverse is a shining example of the potential of user-generated content in digital marketing and community building.

What Miro Does Right

This case study highlights how Miro has effectively harnessed the power of SEO through its unique approach to content creation and lead capturing. By transforming each template into an article, the company has not only optimized its website for search engines but also enhanced user engagement and experience. This approach is a prime example of how focusing on user-centric content can significantly amplify online visibility and traffic.

Miro’s lead-capturing strategy, which emphasizes user experience and utility, sets a new standard in the digital marketing world. Its seamless sign-up process and smart use of CTAs demonstrate a deep understanding of user behavior and needs. This strategy ensures that every aspect of the user journey is as smooth and valuable as possible, turning casual visitors into loyal users.

The Miroverse, an integral part of its digital ecosystem, further illustrates the power of community engagement and user-generated content. By allowing users to contribute their own templates, Miro has created a vibrant, self-sustaining community that not only aids in lead generation but also ensures the continuous evolution and expansion of its content. 

This approach to organic content expansion and international outreach is both cost-effective and incredibly powerful, demonstrating the untapped potential of user-generated content in reaching new markets and demographics.

Miro’s case study is a testament to the potential of well-executed digital marketing strategies. Its approach is not just about capturing leads or ranking high on SERPs; it’s about creating a holistic experience that values and leverages user contributions, fosters community, and prioritizes meaningful engagement. 

Miro’s success story is an inspiration and a model for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence and build a loyal user base. As we delve into the future of content marketing, Miro’s template for success is a blueprint for companies aiming to achieve a similar level of impact and growth in their SEO efforts.

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