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YouTube Search Engine Optimization: What Is It and How To Do It?

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In today’s digital age, YouTube has become a powerful platform for content creators and businesses alike, with over 2 billion monthly active users and 500 hours of video uploaded every minute.

As competition for viewers’ attention skyrockets, mastering YouTube Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential to ensure your videos stand out from the crowd.

What Is YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? 

YouTube SEO is the practice of optimizing YouTube content for greater visibility on the platform’s search engine. This includes technical aspects, such as including relevant keywords in titles and descriptions, as well as utilizing strategies like creating engaging thumbnails that draw the attention of users scrolling through results. To further improve visibility, content creators should utilize relevant tags and build links to their videos from external sites. Ultimately, YouTube SEO strives to increase video viewership by ensuring that your content ranks higher in related searches.

Here’s what everyone needs to know: 

With SEO at your disposal as a YouTube creator, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of your content and reach a wider audience than ever before.

But first, let’s dive into the fascinating world of YouTube SEO and explore how optimizing your videos can lead to exponential growth in views, subscribers, and, ultimately, success.

YouTube SEO: Is It Really Necessary?

Yes, YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world, surpassed only by Google. It is estimated that over 3 billion searches are made on YouTube every day, and over 1 billion hours of video content are watched each day. 

That’s why optimizing your videos for SEO is so important to ensure you reach the widest audience possible.

Whether it’s title optimization, meta description creation, or keyword research, utilizing proper SEO techniques can help your videos climb up in the search rankings. Additionally, creating an effective backlink strategy will also serve to maximize your visibility on YouTube and other platforms – giving you more chances to be discovered by potential viewers.

In today’s landscape, optimizing for YouTube SEO has become a must-have component for any content creator looking to expand their reach and make the most out of their channel. Implementing proven techniques and strategies such as title optimization and keyword research into your video content production process can dramatically change how visible you are on YouTube — leading to more views, subscribers, likes, and comments from viewers around the globe.

In fact, structuring your videos and channel around SEO tactics is the key to success on YouTube. That’s because YouTube’s algorithm works similarly to Google’s — it rewards content that is optimized for its platform. If you want to get ahead on YouTube, you need to start taking SEO seriously. With a well-executed strategy, you can maximize your YouTube reach and grow your channel faster.

3-Step Guide To Start Your YouTube SEO

Now that you know why SEO is important for YouTube, here are three steps to help you get started.

Step 1: Identify Your Audience

The first step is to identify who your target audience is. That’s because understanding the people watching your videos will help you create content that appeals to them.

Think about the typical age, gender, and interests of your viewers, and use this information to craft your videos accordingly. According to YouTube, the best way to identify your ideal viewer is to ask yourself who you can help and how.

Here are some of the tips you can keep in mind while identifying your target audience:

  • Create a persona for your ideal viewer.
  • Analyze who’s already watching your channel and engaging with your videos, then create more content to reach those people.
  • Consider what type of content is popular among the audience you want to target.
  • Research other channels in your niche to understand what type of content works well with their viewers.
  • Identify the age group and gender that usually watch your videos.
  • Look at the geographical locations of your viewers, and create videos that appeal to them.
  • Study the interests of your viewers and what topics they are looking for.
  • Focus on creating videos that cater to those needs and interests.
  • Ensure you use language, tone, and style that resonates with them.
  • Create content regularly so your viewers know when to expect new videos from you.

Step 2: Develop a Plan

Now, you should have an idea of what type of content your target audience likes. The next step is to develop a plan for producing quality videos that draw in viewers. 

An average user spends more than six hours watching videos per week. This means video marketing is a great way to reach and engage people in your target audience. Developing a plan for your YouTube SEO comprises three things:

  1. Setting goals — Determine what you want to accomplish with your video content. What do you hope to achieve?
  2. Creating a content calendar — Organize the topics and ideas into a weekly or monthly schedule.
  3. Developing a process — Establish systems for researching, writing, editing, and uploading videos.

Want to increase your likelihood of identifying topics worth creating? Do keyword research. 

Here’s a great tutorial from the team at vidIQ talking about how to do keyword research for YouTube: 


Step 3: Optimize and Monitor Performance

Once you’ve created your videos, it’s time to optimize them for the best possible performance. It works as an extension of your overall SEO strategy, so you should be familiar with keywords and other optimization techniques. To optimize your video content, you’ll need to perform several optimization checks that we are going to discuss in the latter sections of this guide.

Finally, you’ll need to monitor your performance regularly and adjust your strategies accordingly. Track metrics such as organic reach, click-through rates, engagement, and more to ensure your content is effective. It’s important to keep an eye on these things so that you can make changes if needed.

21 Tips to Optimize Your YouTube Channel

To excel in the competitive landscape of YouTube, it’s crucial to develop a deep understanding of the platform’s search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.

A well-planned YouTube SEO strategy can significantly enhance your content’s visibility, increase discoverability, and, ultimately, drive growth for your channel.

In this guide, we’ll delve into the nuances and technicalities of YouTube SEO, highlighting factors and variables you need to consider while formulating your strategy. By gaining a thorough understanding of these concepts, you’ll be better equipped to optimize your content effectively and achieve long-lasting success on YouTube.

So, we have divided 21 tips into six parts to make it easier for anyone who wants to rank their videos. These include:

  1. Optimizing Your Video Content
  2. Enhancing User Engagement
  3. Improving Your Video Production Value
  4. Boosting Your Video’s Discoverability
  5. Analyzing and Reviewing YouTube Analytics
  6. Leveraging Other Platforms

To gain a clearer understanding of how these work and the factors that contribute to them, let’s explore each one in detail.

Part 1: Optimizing Your Video Content

Did you know an optimized YouTube video title can attract three to five times more viewers? A well-optimized video description, tags, and thumbnail are equally important. Here’s how to optimize each element for better results:

Insert keyword naturally in the video title

No matter how attractive your video title is, it can’t bring viewers if it’s irrelevant to what people are searching for. The real challenge is to make the title look attractive while still including the keywords. Try to come up with creative titles that describe both your content and your target keyword.

For example, if you’re creating a video about how to make the perfect smoothie, and this is the target keyword, you could come up with titles like “The Best Way To Make a Delicious Smoothie” or “How To Make a Perfectly Sweet Smoothie.”

Rename the video file using the target keyword

Not only should the title of your video include keywords, but so should its file name.

Renaming the video file allows search engines to find it more easily, increasing the chances of people finding and watching your video.

To rename the video file, you can follow these steps:

  • Save the video file on your computer or device.
  • Right-click on the file and select “rename” from the drop-down menu that appears.
  • Replace the current name of the file with a brief but descriptive phrase, including your target keyword, making sure to separate each word with a hyphen.
  • Hit “enter” or “return” to save the new file name.

Now your video is easier for search engines to find and can be more likely to appear in relevant search results!

Say the target keyword out loud in your YouTube videos

There’s another simple way to make sure your video is more SEO-friendly: just make sure you mention the target keyword out loud while recording the video. This signals to search engines that your video is related to the term and can help it show up in relevant search results. If you’re able to say the keyword several times throughout the video, even better!

Use the main keyword in your YouTube video descriptions

The description of your YouTube video is another great place to include your target keyword. Be sure to include the keyword at least once, preferably toward the beginning of the description so that it’s more prominent and easier for search engines to find.

You can also use variations of the main keyword within your descriptions to make sure that your content is still being optimized for relevant search terms.

Add closed captions to your videos

Closed captions are a great way to make sure that search engines can read the words that are said in your videos. Adding closed captions is also beneficial for viewers who may not have speakers or who want to watch with the sound off, as they can still understand what’s being said.

Plus, if you make your closed captions available in multiple languages, then more people from around the world will be able to access and understand your content.

Create custom thumbnails for your videos

When people browse YouTube or another video hosting platform, they will often select content based on the thumbnail images that are shown.

Using a professional YouTube thumbnail maker, you can create custom thumbnails for your videos that help make them stand out from other videos with similar titles and provide further information about their content. According to YouTube, custom thumbnails can increase your click-through rates. So take some time to make sure that the thumbnail you create is eye-catching, informative, and relevant to the video’s content.

Encourage viewers to watch the whole video

To optimize your YouTube video’s performance, it’s crucial to encourage viewers to watch the entirety of its content. This boosts engagement and sends positive signals to search engines. 

Here are a few effective ways to achieve this:

  1. Craft captivating intros that pique curiosity.
  2. Deliver valuable and engaging content throughout the video.
  3. Use a compelling call to action at the end to motivate viewers to stay till the end. Remember, capturing and retaining viewers’ attention is key to SEO success.

Part 2: Enhancing User Engagement

While basic optimizations are essential for on-page SEO, optimizing your YouTube videos can significantly enhance user engagement. According to recent statistics, over 70% of YouTube watch time comes from mobile devices, and the platform has over 2 billion monthly active users. So, how can you optimize your YouTube videos for SEO and increase user engagement?

Google was granted a patent in 2015 for an algorithm that uses “watch time” as a ranking signal. This is why prioritizing user engagement is so important for YouTube SEO. Watch time is a key factor in helping YouTube determine if an asset is high quality or not and, thus, worth ranking on its search engine results page. 

Add a call to action (CTA) in your video and video description

Adding a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) to your video and video description can prompt viewers to engage with your content. One study showed that videos with a CTA receive 380% more comments than those with a CTA in a sidebar.

The CTA can be simple, such as asking viewers to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video. You could also direct them to other videos on your channel, website, or social media platforms.

Add targeted hashtags to your YouTube videos

Hashtags are a powerful tool to improve discoverability and reach a wider audience. When you add relevant hashtags to your title and description, it can increase your views.

Choose hashtags that are specific to your content and niche, and use them in moderation. Adding too many hashtags can make your video appear spammy and hurt the overall user experience.

Choose the most relevant YouTube video categories

Selecting the right category for your video can help YouTube’s algorithm understand your content and improve its discoverability. Choosing the most relevant category can increase views and boost your chances of appearing in the right search results and recommendations. According to Google, choosing the right category can improve your video’s visibility.

Leave a pinned comment on your own video

Leaving a pinned comment on your own video can encourage further engagement from your viewers. You could ask a question, provide additional information about the video, or direct them to other relevant content on your channel. By pinning a comment, you ensure that it stays at the top of the comment section and remains visible to your viewers.

Take advantage of end screens and YouTube cards

End screens and YouTube cards are effective tools for promoting your other videos, websites, and social media pages.

End screens allow you to add a call to action at the end of your video, while YouTube cards let you add interactive elements to your videos. These features can drive traffic to your website or social media pages and encourage your viewers to engage further with your content. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance user engagement on your YouTube channel, increase views, and grow your audience.

Part 3: Improving Your Video Production Value for Better YouTube SEO

In a previous section, we discussed what YouTube SEO is and how to do it effectively. In this third part, we will explore ways to improve your video production value, which is an essential element of YouTube SEO.

By creating quality content, your videos will rank higher in search results, gain more views, and attract a wider audience. Here are some tips to help you step up your game and make your videos stand out from the rest.

Step up the production value

Production value is an umbrella term that describes various aspects of your video, such as lighting, sound, camera quality, and editing. By improving these elements, you can create a more polished, professional-looking video that will keep your viewers engaged.

Here are some specific tips to help you step up the production value:

  • Use proper lighting: Good lighting can make a significant difference in how your video looks. Natural lighting is excellent, but if it’s not possible, invest in some affordable lighting equipment.
  • Invest in a good camera: Unlike in the past, high-quality cameras are now affordable. Choose a camera that can shoot in 1080p or more to ensure your videos look sharp and clear.
  • Get good audio: Poor audio quality can be a distraction, so invest in a good microphone to ensure your audio is clear and easy to understand. Alternatively, you can use an AI voice generator tool if you’re limited on resources.
  • Edit your videos: Editing is essential to create a smooth, polished look for your video. Use editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro to improve transitions, add effects, and remove unwanted footage.

Experiment with video length

According to research conducted by Backlinko, the average length of a first-page YouTube video is 14 minutes 50 seconds. 

The length of your video can have a massive impact on engagement and retention rates. Shorter videos like YouTube Shorts, on the one hand, tend to have a higher retention rate and are more likely to be shared. Longer videos, on the other hand, can provide more in-depth information and increase watch time.

Here are some tips for experimenting with video length:

  • Try different lengths: It’s a good idea to experiment with different video lengths to see what resonates with your audience. Try creating shorter videos under five minutes and longer videos over 10 minutes and comparing the results.
  • Keep it concise: Regardless of video length, always make sure your content is concise and to the point.
  • Highlight important information: If you have a longer video, highlight or break down important information into bite-sized chunks to make it easier to follow.
  • Balance length and value: Aim to create a video that is valuable to your audience and has a length that is suitable for the content you are providing.

Part 4: Boosting Your Video’s Discoverability by Building Links to Your YouTube Channel

When it comes to boosting your video’s discoverability on YouTube, there are several strategies you can use to improve your SEO. One strategy that is often overlooked is building links to your YouTube channel, not just your videos.

Most people will only link to their videos when they share them on social media or other websites, but you can take things a step further by creating high-quality links that direct viewers directly to your YouTube channel.

Building these types of links will improve your overall visibility and help you reach more people who may be interested in the content you’re creating.

Why build links to your YouTube channel?

Links are an essential component of SEO and can help boost your video’s discoverability on YouTube. However, many content creators focus solely on building links to their individual videos. While this can be helpful in some cases, it’s much more effective to build links to your YouTube channel.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Improves your channel’s authority: When you build links to your YouTube channel, it can help establish your channel’s authority. Search engines see links as a vote of confidence in your content, and the more links you have pointing to your channel, the more authoritative it appears.
  • Improves your video’s ranking: When your channel has more authority, it can help improve the ranking of your videos. This is because search engines view your channel as a trusted source of content, which can increase the visibility and discoverability of your videos.
  • Increases brand awareness: Building links to your YouTube channel can also increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your channel. This is because links can serve as a referral source for viewers who are interested in your content.

How to build links to your YouTube channel?

Now that we’ve established the importance of building links to your YouTube channel, let’s explore a few strategies for doing so:

  1. Guest post on relevant blogs and websites: Reach out to relevant blogs and websites in your niche and offer to contribute guest posts. Within the guest post, you can include a link to your YouTube channel in your author bio or within the content itself.
  2. Utilize social media: Share your videos on social media platforms like X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, and LinkedIn. This can help increase visibility and drive traffic back to your YouTube channel.
  3. Leverage influencer marketing: Collaborate with influencers in your niche to promote your channel and videos. They can help spread the word about your content to their followers, who may be interested in your channel.
  4. Participate in online communities: Join online communities related to your niche and participate in discussions. You can share your videos when they are relevant to the conversation, but be sure to follow community guidelines and avoid spamming.

Part 5: Analyzing and Reviewing YouTube Analytics

As a content creator on YouTube, it’s essential to have a thorough understanding of your channel’s analytics.

Analyzing and reviewing YouTube Analytics can help you optimize your content creation and increase your chances of success on the platform.

In this section, we’ll explore the three key areas of focus in YouTube Analytics: YouTube search analytics, watch time report, and increasing watch time.

We’ll dive into each point and provide detailed explanations of what they mean, how to access them, and how the data can be used to inform content creation.

Why is analyzing YouTube Analytics important?

Analyzing YouTube Analytics allows content creators to gain insights into their audience and how they interact with their content. It provides valuable information on metrics such as views, watch time, engagement, and demographics.

By understanding these metrics, creators can tailor their content to meet their audience’s needs and preferences, which can lead to increased engagement and growth on the platform.

Key areas of focus in YouTube Analytics

YouTube Search Analytics

YouTube Search Analytics provides information on how viewers discover your videos through search. It shows the top keywords that viewers use to find your videos, which can help you optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags. You can also see how many views and how much watch time your videos receive from search results and compare them to other traffic sources.

To access YouTube Search Analytics, go to your YouTube Studio dashboard and click on Analytics > Reach Viewers > Traffic Source > YouTube Search.

Practical advice: Use the top keywords that viewers use to find your videos in your titles, descriptions, and tags. This will help your videos appear higher in search results and increase their visibility.

Watch Time Report

Watch Time Report provides information on how long viewers watch your videos and how they engage with them. It shows the total watch time, average view duration, and audience retention for each video. You can also see which videos have the highest and lowest watch time and identify trends in viewer behavior.

To access Watch Time Report, go to your YouTube Studio dashboard and click on Analytics > Reach Viewers > Watch Time.

Increasing watch time

Increasing watch time is essential for growing your channel on YouTube. The longer viewers watch your videos, the greater your chances of appearing in search results and recommendations. YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes videos with high watch time and engagement, so it’s crucial to optimize your content for this metric.

To increase watch time, focus on creating engaging content that provides value to your audience. Use eye-catching visuals, compelling storytelling, and clear calls to action to encourage viewers to watch your videos until the end. Consistency is also key, so try to publish videos on a regular schedule to keep your audience engaged.

Best practices for using YouTube Analytics

  1. Measure overall growth: To measure overall growth, track metrics such as total views, watch time, subscribers, and engagement rate over time. This will help you identify trends and areas for improvement.
  2. Identify trends: Look for patterns in your data, such as which videos perform best, what topics resonate with your audience, and how viewers interact with your content.
  3. Capitalize on successful videos: Use insights from successful videos to inform future content creation. Look for common themes or elements that contribute to their success and incorporate them into new videos.
  4. Track progress over time: Regularly review your analytics to track progress and make adjustments to your content strategy. Analyzing and reviewing YouTube Analytics should be an ongoing process to ensure continued growth and success on the platform.

Part 6: Leveraging Other Platforms for YouTube SEO

Creating engaging content is only half the battle when it comes to achieving success on YouTube. The other half is getting that content in front of as many people as possible.

One way to increase the visibility of your YouTube videos is by leveraging other platforms and cross-promoting your content. Let’s see how you can do this.

Share on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform that can help you reach a professional audience and grow your network. Sharing your YouTube videos on LinkedIn can increase their visibility and drive traffic back to your channel. It can also help establish your authority in your industry and build your brand.

When sharing your YouTube videos on LinkedIn, be sure to include a compelling title and description that highlights the value of your content. Use relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your post, and tag any relevant connections or groups. You can also use LinkedIn’s video feature to upload your videos directly to the platform.

Share on Facebook/Instagram/TikTok

Sharing your YouTube videos on social media can help you reach a wider audience and drive more views to your channel. Start by sharing links to your videos on the platforms where most of your followers are active, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Make video transcripts your content marketing shortcut

Pro tip: Video transcripts are a valuable tool for content creators looking to boost their SEO and increase the accessibility of their content.

A transcript is a written version of your video’s dialogue, which can be used to create captions, blog posts, social media content, and more.

Using transcripts in your content marketing strategy can help you rank higher in search results and reach new audiences.

Transcripts provide search engines with text that they can crawl and index, making it easier for them to understand the content of your video. They also make your content accessible to viewers who may have difficulty hearing or understanding your video. When creating transcripts, be sure to use relevant keywords and phrases that align with your video’s topic and target audience.

You can also use transcripts to create blog posts or articles that expand on the topics covered in your video, providing additional value to your audience.

The 5 Best YouTube SEO Tools To Try in 2023

Being a YouTube content creator is not an easy task, and with video content becoming increasingly popular, there’s a lot of competition out there.

However, one thing that sets successful YouTubers apart is their ability to optimize their content for search engines. YouTube search engine optimization (SEO) is, therefore, just as important as optimizing for Google and other search engines.

Fortunately, several SEO tools can help YouTubers boost their views and rankings. In this section, we’ll discuss the five best YouTube SEO tools to try in 2023.


vidIQ is the most popular YouTube SEO tool that is used by many YouTubers and businesses. vidIQ offers comprehensive analytics for your YouTube channel, including competitor analysis, keyword research, and video performance tracking.

One of the most impressive features of vidIQ is its ability to show you what keywords your competitors are ranking for, allowing you to create similar content and compete effectively. vidIQ also offers several other features, including bulk video editing, tag recommendations, and much more.


TubeBuddy is another popular YouTube SEO tool that offers similar features to vidIQ. With TubeBuddy, YouTubers can optimize their videos for specific keywords, create thumbnail templates, and manage their YouTube comments. TubeBuddy also has a Chrome extension that makes it easy to manage your YouTube channel while browsing the web.


Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool that is primarily known for keyword research and competitor analysis for blogs and websites. However, did you know it has a feature that can help you identify YouTube video keyword opportunities as well? With Ahrefs, you can analyze competitor YouTube channels and find high-performing keywords that you can use in your own video titles, descriptions, and tags.


Morningfame might be a lesser-known YouTube SEO tool, but it’s quickly gaining popularity among YouTubers. With Morningfame, you can access detailed audience analytics, engagement tracking, and keyword analysis. Morningfame also offers a unique feature called “VideoTrigger,” which provides personalized recommendations and tips for improving your video’s success.

Social Blade

Social Blade is an essential tool for tracking YouTube channel statistics. It provides detailed analytics for any YouTube channel, including video views, subscribers, estimated earnings, and much more. Social Blade is helpful for tracking your own growth and monitoring your competitors. It also shows you estimated earnings for any YouTube channel, which can be useful when negotiating sponsorships.

Conclusion: YouTube SEO: What Is It and How To Do It?

In conclusion, YouTube SEO involves optimizing videos for search engines and viewers, which includes using relevant keywords, creating transcripts, and providing additional value to the audience through related blog posts or articles.

Implementing these best practices can increase visibility in search engine results and attract more viewers on YouTube. Tools like YouTube Analytics and Tubular can help track video performance and identify areas for improvement.

However, success ultimately depends on creating compelling content tailored to the intended audience that speaks directly to their needs.

By following these tips, businesses can maximize their presence online and take advantage of the potential that YouTube has to offer for increasing engagement with customers. Video marketing, when done right, can be a powerful tool for any brand looking to expand its reach.

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