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Networking for Introverts

The most frequently asked questions that come up when I talk to people about being shy is >>>

How do you navigate through networking events?

How do you navigate corporate events?

How do you attend a conference and stay motivated?

How can you ensure that your time is maximized at these events?

How can you ensure that you’re not that shy person in the corner that doesn’t want to approach people?

So today, I’m going to share 15 tips on how to navigate events, conferences, networking etc. as a shy person.

Whether it be things you can do before the event on social media, during the event to avoid being awkward and creepy, and even after the event to keep up with all of the people you’ve met, I’m happy to share these tips that I wish I had when I first started attending events years ago.

Ross Simmonds is the CEO and founder of Foundation, a content marketing agency that partners exclusively with ambitious B2B brands looking to create and distribute content that inspires action and produces sales and leads.

Ross hosts the weekly podcast “Create Like the Greats” and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content marketing.

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