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How B2B Tech Companies Can Publish 100+ Articles Per Year

Free Content

Quality shouldn’t compete with quantity — you can have both.

But it takes hard work, good planning, and real SEO expertise.

Let us walk you through our complete strategy for how you can publish over 100 articles a year without a dip in quality. 

It involves using the latest technology while keeping a human touch. 

Check it out.

Why Aim for 100+ Blog Posts a Year?

Content marketing is a proven way to draw attention to your site, build your brand, and create a sales and marketing funnel.

But batch publishing a bunch of articles once, or dripping out only a couple blog posts a month isn’t enough. 

To be successful, you need to keep publishing new content. That’s because search engines love fresh, relevant content. Plus, the more content you produce, the more opportunities you have to rank for a variety of keywords. 

You can also aim different content at different audiences, so you can capture leads at different stages of the buyer’s journey. Soon enough, you’ll have a content moat like the ones these companies enjoy:

A chart showing different companies' content moats

That might look great, but how do you get there? 

You start seeing real gains in traffic when you publish at least 25 blog posts a year. But going over 100 shifts you into another bracket entirely: 

Graphs showing that more blog posts generate more traffic

But it’s not just about traffic.

HubSpot reports that half of buyers read a company’s blog while they make their decisions. In fact, that’s one of the most valuable things about publishing comparison pages on your blog.

By creating middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel-oriented content, you can help educate your target audience and drive more conversions for your business.

Of course, creating enough content to successfully target all the different stages of a buyer’s journey quickly adds up, especially in the B2B space — just check out our flowchart of the current landscape:

flowchart of the buyer journey for B2B customers

This is why you need to be able to create a lot of blog posts each and every year. 

With 100+ blog posts a year, you’re able to not just keep your brand visible; you can also expand your reach, build authority, increase conversions, and drive growth in a sustainable way.

Just to be clear: not any content will do. As we mentioned already, you should never have to sacrifice quality for quantity.

When executed correctly, this strategy ensures that every piece of content adds value to your audience while enhancing your brand’s reputation.

Developing a Sustainable Content Strategy

If you want to make 100 articles, you need a content strategy. It’s the scaffolding you’ll use to build out the rest of your efforts. Let’s talk through how to make one.

List of steps in content strategy planning

Create Goals and a Calendar

Start by clearly defining your business goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or establish thought leadership? 

Once your goals are clear, align your content production to support these objectives. For example, if lead generation is a primary goal, focus on creating content that addresses common pain points and includes strong calls-to-action to capture contact information.

Then, create a content calendar. It’ll help you plan your content production, ensuring a steady flow of articles throughout the year. 

Your calendar should include key dates, such as product launches, industry events, and holidays, to ensure your content aligns with these important moments. It should also include details such as publication dates, assigned authors, content types, target keywords, and promotion strategies in your content calendar. 

Regularly review and adjust your calendar based on performance data and feedback from your audience.

Do Your Resource Planning

Assess your current resources and identify any gaps in your content team. While having a dedicated in-house team offers control and consistency, outsourcing can provide flexibility and access to specialized skills. 

Create a clear workflow to integrate contributions from both in-house and outsourced talent seamlessly. This includes establishing guidelines, setting expectations, and ensuring consistent communication. A clear process document helps maintain quality and ensures that all content aligns with your brand standards.

Budgeting for content production involves more than just paying writers and editors. Consider costs related to SEO tools, content management systems, promotion strategies, and any outsourcing needs. Allocate funds to areas that will provide the most significant return on investment, such as high-performing content types or key promotional channels.

Regularly review your budget and adjust as needed to accommodate changes in your content strategy or business goals. Efficient budget management ensures that you can maintain a high volume of quality content without overspending.

Build and Manage Your Content Team

A strong content creation team is the backbone of your content strategy. Recruiting the right talent, setting high standards, and managing the team effectively are crucial for consistently producing high-quality content.

While it might be tempting to churn out a hundred articles using AI and then pay a freelance editor to improve them, you won’t get the results you want from this shoestring approach to content marketing. 

Make sure that you have roles that cover each of the following content team member types. You don’t just need writers; you need other creators as well. Plus, your editors will optimize your content and your distributors have the highly important role of making sure it gets seen in the end.

Illustrations of three roles on marketing teams

When building your content team, look for candidates with a strong background in writing and a deep understanding of your industry. Prioritize candidates who demonstrate creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to meet deadlines. 

Establish clear standards of excellence for your content team. This includes guidelines on tone, style, and formatting, as well as best practices for research and SEO. Regular training sessions can help keep your team updated on the latest trends and techniques, ensuring continuous improvement.

By developing a sustainable content strategy, planning for long-term resource needs, and building a strong content creation team, B2B tech companies can successfully publish 100+ high-quality articles per year. 

This approach not only enhances brand visibility but also establishes your company as a thought leader in the industry, driving growth and success in the competitive B2B tech landscape.

Optimizing Content for Conversion and Engagement

Once you have your plan, it’s time to execute. Focus on whichever goal you identified earlier as a priority — for example, converting new customers or attracting visitors to your site.

In either case, make sure you don’t ignore any part of our content growth framework: Research, creation, distribution, and optimization are each important parts of your process.

It isn’t enough to just make a plan and write 100 blog posts. Those are the first two steps, but the next two involve following distribution best practices so more people can see the work you’ve produced, and continuously optimizing your site and your content to hit your goals and keep it fresh year after year.

An infographic of the content growth framework

Quality Assurance and Publishing Processes

One part of high-volume production that can get ignored is quality assurance (QA). This key step makes sure that nothing gets published that doesn’t meet your standards. If you start shoveling out poor-quality content, or content that doesn’t fit your brand voice, your audience is going to notice. Plus, Google might notice too and de-list your articles.

Here are four steps you can take to build a QA process that will keep your standards high and the content flowing: 

  1. Editorial Guidelines: Develop comprehensive editorial guidelines that outline your brand’s voice, tone, style, and formatting preferences. Ensure all team members are familiar with these guidelines.
  2. Multi-Layered Review: Implement a multi-layered review process. Content should be reviewed by multiple team members, including writers, editors, and subject matter experts, to catch errors and ensure quality.
  3. SEO Review: Conduct a separate SEO review to ensure all content is optimized for search engines. This includes checking for keyword usage, meta descriptions, and internal linking.
  4. Plagiarism Check: Use plagiarism detection tools to ensure all content is original and not duplicated from other sources. This helps maintain credibility and avoid SEO penalties.

Distributing Your Content

But wait, there’s more!

That’s because just hitting publish doesn’t mean you’re done. Well, it can be, if you don’t care about how many people actually read what you’ve spent all this time building. But if you’d like to get potential customers in front of it, you’ll need to distribute that content.

Content distribution is about ensuring your meticulously crafted content reaches the right audience at the right time. It involves leveraging various channels to amplify your reach and make sure your content stands out in the crowded digital landscape. Effective distribution not only boosts visibility but also enhances brand credibility and drives conversions.

Make sure to distribute your content through each of the types of channels you have available:

  1. Owned Channels: These include your website, email newsletters, and social media profiles. These channels are under your control, allowing you to directly reach your audience. Regularly updating your blog, sending out newsletters, and posting on social media can help maintain a steady stream of traffic to your content.
  2. Earned Channels: This involves gaining visibility through mentions, shares, and backlinks from other websites. It’s essentially word-of-mouth marketing in the digital world. Engage with industry influencers, contribute guest posts, and participate in online communities to earn valuable backlinks and mentions.
  3. Paid Channels: Investing in paid promotions can accelerate your content’s reach. Platforms like Google Ads, LinkedIn Sponsored Content, and Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics and increase the visibility of your content quickly.

Work Together with Foundation

As you can tell, publishing 100+ articles a year is possible, but it requires a lot more than just writing a bunch of articles — there’s an entire complex infrastructure required to create so many posts without sacrificing quality. 

And if you want to see the best return on your investment, you can’t just stop when you hit publish. 

Want to enlist an expert to help?

Whether it’s coaching you through developing your goals and annual content calendar or owning the entire end-to-end process (including distribution and optimization), Foundation Marketing is here for you. Reach out today to book a discovery call.

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