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How to Write SEO Content According to the Google Leaks

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We’re covering what the recent Google leaks mean for marketers and how you should structure your content based on these findings.

There are lots of fantastic explanations of what’s in the recent Google leaks and why they matter. Personally, I’d highly recommend this article and this article for the technical explanations.

But here, we’re going to explain what those leaks mean for marketers. We’re focused on giving you the executive summary and key takeaways, not all the technical details. 

So, let’s dive in and find out how this is going to change the way you build your content strategy.

What the Leaks Actually Are

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. As pointed out by Ahrefs, some SEOs are making wild assumptions about what these leaks mean. What we know is that they reflect a wealth of data stored by Google.

But not every data point Google collects influences search rankings; some might be used minimally or not at all. For example, while Google tracks the number of visitors using Chrome, this metric is unlikely to be a direct ranking factor. The documents mostly highlight storage details and internal processes rather than specific ranking algorithms. SEOs should critically evaluate the information, avoiding assumptions based on incomplete or misleading data, and always consider the broader context before jumping to conclusions​.

For the factors that we do believe are ranking factors, the documents provide nothing to indicate how they are weighted. That means that Google could consider some factors, such as backlink quality, to be critical while considering others, such as the font size of the anchor text of a backlink, to be very minor. 

Or, it could be the opposite! Maybe the font size of your backlinks’ anchor text is the most important ranking factor. We don’t think so, and the experience and experimentation of SEOs bear that out, but it’s important to recognize that when this article says we believe these ranking factors matter more than others, that isn’t based on the content of the document.

Instead, we’re using our expertise and experience to evaluate which of the more than 14,000 data points described in the documents seem to be the key ones you should pay attention to. So, with that disclaimer out of the way, let’s dig in.

A list of primary ranking factors

1. Content Quality

Google’s leaked documents suggest a heavy emphasis on content quality as a ranking factor. This aligns with Google’s longstanding public guidance, but the leaks provide additional insight into the specific aspects of content quality that matter most. 

Focusing on relevance, originality, and comprehensiveness can significantly boost your content’s performance in search rankings. Here’s how you can ensure your content meets these criteria:


The primary goal of your content should be to answer the user’s query. As you can imagine, there are several features in the API leaks that seem to track the relevance of a keyword to an article. This means you need to understand what your audience is searching for and tailor your content accordingly. 

Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to identify popular search terms and questions related to your topic. Ensure that your content provides clear and direct answers to these queries, addressing the user’s intent.


Google’s algorithms seem to favour unique content over duplicated material. To stand out, create original content that offers a new perspective or additional value compared to what’s already available. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t cover the same topics as other sites, but your approach should add something new — whether it’s new data, a fresh take, or a more comprehensive guide. One great way to add authority and authenticity is by interviewing a subject matter expert and including some quotes from them.


Depth of content is crucial. Google prefers pages that thoroughly cover a topic, providing comprehensive information that leaves no question unanswered. Structure your content with clear subheadings, bullet points, and tables where appropriate to enhance readability and make it easier for users (and search engines) to find the information they need. 

Including related keywords and subtopics can also help to signal the thoroughness of your content to search engines. For example, if you’re writing an article about flathead screwdrivers, don’t just include information about them. A lot of people will want to know the differences and comparisons between flathead and Phillips screwdrivers, so even information that may not seem immediately relevant is important for a fully comprehensive article.

2. User Experience (UX)

Improving user experience is important for achieving higher search rankings and ensuring user satisfaction. According to the leaked Google ranking factors, Google does track quite a few UX factors, and it’s likely they play a role in how your page ranks.

Page Load Speed

First, page load speed is important. Faster-loading pages not only enhance user satisfaction but also likely rank higher in search results. It also affects other possible ranking factors, such as mobile bounce rate. Here’s an example that Google gave themselves:

A chart comparing bounce rates with mobile load speeds

To improve this, optimize images by compressing them without sacrificing quality, leverage browser caching to reduce load times for repeat visitors, and use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute content efficiently across multiple servers, reducing latency.


A responsive page is one that responds to the device it’s being accessed from — essentially, if you’re on a phone, it goes to a mobile version of the website. It looks like this is a factor Google may consider in their rankings.

Ensure your website is optimized for mobile by implementing responsive design, which adjusts content to fit various screen sizes seamlessly. Simplify navigation on mobile devices by using clear, easy-to-tap buttons and streamlined menus. 

Regularly testing your site’s mobile performance using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help identify and address any issues promptly, maintaining a smooth mobile user experience.

Site Architecture

Lastly, site architecture plays a vital role in good UX, and it almost certainly affects how your pages rank. A clear and intuitive navigation structure helps users and search engines find information quickly and easily. 

Organize your site’s content into logical categories and subcategories using descriptive labels. Ensure that important pages are accessible within a few clicks from the homepage, improving both user experience and search engine indexing. 

By focusing on these aspects — page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and site architecture — you can create a user-friendly website that ranks well and keeps visitors engaged.

3. Backlinks

Backlinks seem to be a key part of Google’s ranking algorithm, reflecting a site’s credibility and authority. However, not all backlinks are created equal. Understanding the nuances of backlink quality, quantity, and anchor text can significantly enhance your SEO strategy.

Backlink Quality

Quality may trump quantity when it comes to backlinks. High-quality backlinks are those that come from reputable, authoritative sites within your niche. Google’s algorithm likely uses these backlinks as votes of confidence, signalling that your content is valuable and trustworthy. Walk through this process to make sure your backlinks are high quality:

Backlink quality assessment process steps

To secure high-quality backlinks, focus on creating exceptional, shareable content that industry leaders will naturally link to. Building relationships with influencers and authoritative sites in your field can also lead to valuable backlinks. Guest posting on reputable blogs and participating in industry forums can further bolster your backlink profile. Tools like Ahrefs and Moz can help you identify the quality of your backlinks, allowing you to target high-authority domains. 

Quantity of Backlinks

While quality is paramount, quantity still matters. A healthy backlink profile includes a diverse range of backlinks from various sources. This diversity indicates to Google that your site is popular and relevant across a broad spectrum of the web.

However, acquiring backlinks should be a natural process. Avoid black-hat SEO techniques like buying links or participating in link farms, as these can lead to penalties. Instead, focus on earning backlinks through consistent, high-quality content creation; strategic outreach; and social media promotion. Regularly monitor your backlink profile using tools like SEMrush to ensure you maintain a balance of quality and quantity.

Anchor Text

Anchor text — the clickable text in a hyperlink — plays a significant role in how Google interprets the context of your backlinks. Effective anchor text should be relevant to the linked content and incorporate your target keywords naturally.

However, over-optimization of anchor text can lead to penalties. A diverse anchor text profile, including branded, generic, and exact match anchors, may appear more natural to Google’s algorithms. For instance, if your target keyword is “SEO strategies”, the anchor text of backlinks to your article should vary between “SEO strategies”, “click here”, “this guide”, and your brand name. Using tools like Majestic can help analyze and diversify your anchor text profile, ensuring it supports your SEO efforts without risking over-optimization.

4. User Engagement

For a long time, SEOs have wondered whether engagement factors matter for how Google ranks articles. It still isn’t certain, but given that we know Google tracks each of the factors below, it seems more likely than ever that they matter. 

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR measures the percentage of users who click on your link after seeing it in the search results. A higher CTR indicates that users find your site relevant to their search queries. 

We’ve always known that high-ranking pages have higher CTRs, but it’s always been a bit of a chicken-and-egg question: Is the CTR high because they rank high, or does Google rank them higher when the CTR goes up? The answer is probably both.

Graph showing higher CTRs with higher SERP results

To boost your CTR, optimize your titles and meta descriptions to be compelling and relevant. Use action-oriented language, and include your primary keyword to attract users’ attention. For example, instead of a generic title like “SEO Tips”, use “10 Proven SEO Tips to Boost Your Rankings”. This approach makes your content stand out and encourages users to click through.

Bounce Rate

This refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A lower bounce rate suggests that users are engaging with your site content and finding it valuable.

To reduce bounce rate, ensure your page content is engaging and highly relevant to the user’s query. Use clear headings, bullet points, and visual elements to make your content easily digestible. Additionally, include internal links to related articles to encourage users to explore more of your site. Offering a seamless user experience keeps visitors engaged and reduces bounce rates.

Dwell Time

Dwell time is the amount of time users spend on your site after clicking through from the search results. Longer dwell times indicate that your content is informative and engaging.

Create content that is both engaging and informative to increase dwell time. Use multimedia elements like videos, infographics, and interactive content to keep users interested. Ensure your content is well-structured and covers the topic comprehensively. Engaging storytelling, practical examples, and actionable advice can also encourage users to stay on your site longer.

By focusing on improving CTR, reducing bounce rates, and increasing dwell time, you can make users more engaged, which in turn can positively impact your search rankings. These metrics provide valuable insights into how users interact with your site and can guide your efforts to create more effective, user-focused content.

5. Local SEO

Local SEO focuses on optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. Key factors include your Google My Business listing, local keywords, and reviews and ratings.

Google My Business Listing

A complete and accurate Google My Business listing is vital for local SEO, helping your business appear in local search results and Google Maps.

Ensure your Google My Business profile is fully optimized with accurate information, photos, and regular updates. Include essential details like your business name, address, phone number, and business hours. Adding high-quality photos and regularly updating your profile with posts and offers can enhance your visibility and attract more local customers.

Local Keywords

Using keywords relevant to your local area helps search engines connect your business with local search queries.

Incorporate local keywords naturally into your content, titles, and meta descriptions. For instance, if you run a bakery in Austin, use phrases like “best bakery in Austin” or “Austin artisan breads”. Including local landmarks or neighbourhoods in your keywords can further boost your local SEO efforts.

Reviews and Ratings

Positive reviews and high ratings are crucial for building trust and credibility with potential customers and search engines.

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your Google My Business profile and other review platforms. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, to show that you value customer feedback and are engaged with your audience. Promptly addressing any issues raised in negative reviews can also demonstrate your commitment to customer service and improve your reputation.

A chart showing on-page SEO factors

6. On-Page SEO

You’re welcome to explore our full guide to on-page SEO, but in general, it involves optimizing individual pages on your website to improve their search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic. Key components include title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags.

Title Tags

Title tags are important since they are the first impression users and search engines have of your page. They need to be relevant and compelling, including target keywords.

Venn diagram of SEO types

Craft unique, keyword-rich titles for each page. Ensure that the title accurately reflects the content of the page while incorporating your primary keyword. For example, if your page is about “SEO Best Practices”, a good title could be “Top 10 SEO Best Practices to Improve Your Rankings”. Keep your titles within 50–60 characters to ensure they display properly in search results.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions provide a brief summary of your page’s content and are essential for encouraging clicks from search results.

Write concise and persuasive meta descriptions that include target keywords. Aim for around 150–160 characters, and ensure your description provides a clear, enticing overview of what users can expect from the page. For instance, use something like, “Learn the top SEO best practices that can help improve your search rankings and drive more traffic to your site.”

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3)

Header tags help structure your content, making it easier for search engines and users to understand how you’ve organized it. It could be that putting keywords in header tags makes them more effective.

Use header tags to organize content logically. The H1 tag should represent the main title of the page and include your primary keyword. Use H2 and H3 tags to break down the content into sections and subsections, respectively. 

This not only improves readability but also helps search engines understand the hierarchy and context of your content. For example, under an H1 title like “SEO Best Practices”, you might use H2 tags for sections such as “Keyword Research”, “On-Page Optimization”, and “Link Building”. Make sure to include keywords frequently but naturally — H2s and H3s can be great places to target secondary keywords.

7. Technical SEO

Look, this is basic, but that’s what makes it so important. Technical SEO is the backbone of a well-optimized website, ensuring that search engines can efficiently crawl, index, and understand your site. The Google leaks highlight several technical factors that can influence your rankings. Here’s how to address these critical areas:


If you don’t know, crawlability refers to how easily search engine bots can access and index the content on your site. If search engines can’t crawl your site effectively, your content won’t appear in search results.

Use a robots.txt file to guide search engines on which pages to crawl and which to avoid. This file should also prevent bots from accessing irrelevant or duplicate content that could dilute your SEO efforts. 

Additionally, create an XML sitemap that lists all your important pages, helping search engines find and index them efficiently. Ensure no critical pages are inadvertently blocked by regularly reviewing your robots.txt file and sitemap.

You’re probably already doing this, but it’s good to have the confirmation from the Google documents that it matters.

Secure Connection (HTTPS)

Google almost certainly prefers a secure connection (HTTPS) over a non-secure one (HTTP). HTTPS protects user data and signals to Google that your site is trustworthy.

Obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority to secure your site. Once installed, ensure your site uses HTTPS across all pages. You can verify this by checking for a padlock icon in your browser’s address bar. Also, update any internal links, canonical tags, and redirects to use HTTPS to avoid mixed content issues. Tools like the ones made by SSL Labs can help you identify and fix any security gaps.

Structured Data

Structured data, or schema markup, helps search engines understand the content on your site and present it in a richer format in search results, such as rich snippets.

Implement structured data using vocabulary. This can include adding markup for articles, products, reviews, FAQs, and more. Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your markup and ensure it’s correctly implemented. By doing so, you can enhance your search listings with additional information, making them more attractive and informative to users. This can lead to higher click-through rates and improved visibility.

By focusing on crawlability, secure connections, and structured data, you can ensure that your site is technically sound and optimized for search engines. These factors not only improve your chances of ranking higher but also enhance the user experience by providing a secure and informative browsing environment.

How to Apply These Tips

Much of this article has been theoretical. But it’s important to reiterate that we’ve picked these factors out of the 14,000 data points based on our practical experience doing SEO and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Fortunately, this leak has confirmed that Google tracks many of the factors we’ve always thought mattered.

In fact, we’ve been breaking down how B2B leaders have been executing these exact strategies for years. For example, if you want to see fantastic local SEO efforts, check out how Dialpad is dominating area codes. If you want to see excellent content quality, look no further than our breakdown of Stripe’s content. Finally, you can also check out an amazing backlink strategy in our Buffer breakdown.

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