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The Skyscraper Technique: Three Steps To 200% Lift In Organic Traffic

Free Content

Have you ever seen a skyscraper?

It’s so high that people wonder how this marvel of engineering and design was built.

It will be the talk of the town, and everyone will want to visit it, take pictures with it, and enjoy the breathtaking views from its top floors.

But, if you ever have a chance to speak to its engineer, he will tell you that the key to constructing a successful skyscraper lies in its foundation. The stronger the foundation is, the more stable the skyscraper will be.

So, what is the Skyscraper technique? This blog post is about it and how you can use it to write an article that ranks high on search engines.

What Is The Skyscraper Technique?

The SEO skyscraper technique is a strategic approach to link building. It revolves around crafting top-notch content that surpasses existing high-ranking pieces, aiming to secure their backlinks and dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs). Imagine the current top-ranking content as the tallest skyscraper in the digital landscape.

Curious to Know why is it Called Skyscraper Technique?

With every passing Google algorithm update, ranking your content on the first page of search results for a specific keyword is getting harder.

Google often states that link-building is less crucial.

However, the Google Algorithm Leaks from last month tells us a different story.

So when Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko came up with a technique in 2015 to create articles better than the ones ranking at top SERPs to get more people linking to it, he called it “The Skyscraper Technique” and since then, it has gone by the same name.

Let’s see how this technique resonates with an actual skyscraper:


A strong foundation means choosing the best materials on the market to lay solid groundwork for the building. Similarly, you will start with solid research on something performing extraordinary (or the Top 5-10 Results). You can say some good keywords to start with!


A tall building catches everyone’s eyes and that’s why a comprehensive, detailed, and a quality article is written when utilizing the skyscraper technique.


A skyscraper has multiple floors, each offering something unique and valuable. Similarly, the skyscraper technique promotes writing an organized article with a solid structure, where each section is meticulously crafted to provide value to the reader.

Eye-catching Design

A skyscraper’s design sets it apart from other buildings. Similarly, your article must have an eye-catching headline and visually appealing images to attract readers.


Skyscrapers are designed to be seen from afar, becoming landmarks. The Skyscraper Technique aims to create highly visible content in search engine results, becoming a go-to resource in your niche.

By drawing these parallels, you can illustrate how the Skyscraper Technique systematically builds a piece of content that stands tall and attracts attention, much like a skyscraper does in a city skyline.

The 3-Step F-C-P Sky Scraper Technique

If you seriously want to create content that gets a bunch of bloggers linking to your blog post, you need to follow this technique.

The Sky Scraper Technique has three steps. I call it “The F-C-P Sky Scraper Technique.”

  1. The F Means: Find Content With High-Quality Links
  2. The C Means: Create a Better Content
  3. The P Means: Promote it By Reaching Out to the Right People

Let’s discuss these steps in detail.

the 3 step skyscraper technique

The F: Find Content With High-Quality Links

Finding content with high-quality links is the first step involving identifying content with a substantial number of backlinks.

High-quality backlinks are a key indicator of valuable and authoritative content, making it an ideal candidate for your enhancement efforts.

Typically, the content with the most links ranks at the top of SERP (Search Engine Results Page) results.

However, this isn’t always the case. Various tools can help you uncover content with a significant number of backlinks. For instance, using Ahrefs, you can search for top-performing content based on specific keywords.

For example, when I used Ahrefs to check the top results for the keyword “skyscraper technique,” it pointed me to an article on Backlinko written by Brian Dean. This piece of content boasts 9,052 backlinks.

This article has resonated immensely within the community, attracting numerous links from different sources.

This is precisely the kind of content you should be examining. By studying why it stands out, you can identify elements that make it exceptionally link-worthy.

Here are some of the factors to consider:

  • Depth and Detail: Comprehensive guides tend to attract more links. Readers appreciate in-depth information that covers all aspects of a topic.
  • Visual Appeal: Effective use of images, infographics, and other visual aids can enhance readability and engagement.
  • Original Research: Unique data or insights derived from original research can set your content apart and make it a valuable resource.
  • Practical Value: Actionable tips and strategies that readers can apply immediately tend to perform well.

In our case, the Backlinko article has succeeded because it combines all these elements effectively. It not only provides a thorough explanation of the skyscraper technique but also includes actionable steps, supported by visuals and backed by data.

Understanding what makes existing content successful will guide you in creating something even better. In the next section, we will see how to create superior content that surpasses what is currently available.

The C Means: Create a Better Content

This is the second step of the F-C-P Sky Scraper Technique. Google emphasizes that it focuses on user-friendly content. To ensure your content meets this standard, you need to understand the intent behind the keywords you’re targeting.

Finding User Intent

User intent, or search intent, refers to the reason behind a user’s search query. Understanding this intent helps in creating content that truly satisfies the user’s needs.

Here’s how you can determine user intent:

  1. Analyze SERP Features: Examine the top-ranking pages for your target keyword. Look at the type of content that appears—whether they are blog posts, videos, product pages, or FAQs. This can give you a clue about what users are looking for.
  2. Review Related Searches and People Also Ask: Google often provides related searches and “People Also Ask” sections that give insights into common questions and themes related to your keyword.
  3. Examine Top Competitors: Look at the competitors who rank well for your target keyword. Analyze their content to see how they structure their information and what elements they focus on.

For example, if you search for “skyscraper technique” on Google and analyze the top results, you might find that most of the high-ranking pages are comprehensive guides with case studies and actionable steps.

This indicates that users are likely looking for detailed, practical information on how to implement the skyscraper technique.

By understanding user intent, you can tailor your content to meet those specific needs, ensuring it is useful and relevant.

After identifying the user intent, we will discuss two ways to create better content:

Rewriting the Existing Content

One approach is to take the existing high-performing content and enhance it. Here’s how:

  1. Expand and Update Information: Add more up-to-date details, statistics, and examples that weren’t included in the original content. Ensure your content is more comprehensive.
  2. Improve Readability: Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the content easier to read. Adding visual elements like images, infographics, and videos can also enhance engagement.
  3. Add Original Insights: Incorporate your own research, case studies, or unique perspectives that add value beyond what is currently available.

Creating New Content Using the Top Content as a Starting Point

Alternatively, you can use top content as inspiration to create entirely new content. Follow these steps:

  1. Identify Gaps: Look for areas that the top content hasn’t covered thoroughly. This could be new trends, unanswered questions, or additional angles on the topic.
  2. Develop a Unique Angle: Approach the topic from a different perspective or provide a new solution to the problem. Think about what unique value you can provide that the existing content does not.
  3. Incorporate Multi-Media Elements: Use various media types such as videos, interactive tools, or podcasts to present the information in ways that the original content does not.

By either rewriting existing content or creating new, innovative content, you can provide superior value and stand out in the crowded digital landscape.

The P Means: Promote it By Reaching Out to the Right People

This is the third and final step of the F-C-P Sky Scraper Technique. The power of outreach cannot be overstated when it comes to promoting your content. Effective outreach can significantly amplify your reach, driving more traffic and generating valuable backlinks.

The Power of Outreach

Email marketing remains one of the most effective outreach methods. According to a study by DMA, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $42. This stat alone highlights the potential impact of a well-executed outreach strategy.

To maximize the effectiveness of your outreach, it’s crucial to target the right people. Here are three top techniques to reach out to your audience:

Top 3 Ways to Reach Out to People

  1. Personalized Email Outreach:

  Personalized emails have a higher open and response rate compared to generic emails. Use tools like or LinkedIn to find the contact details of influencers, bloggers, and website owners within your niche. Personalize each email by mentioning their previous work and explaining how your content can add value to their audience.

  1. Leverage Social Media:

  Social media platforms are powerful tools for outreach. Engage with influencers and bloggers on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Share your content and tag relevant people to get their attention. Join groups and communities related to your niche, and share your content where it can provide value.

  1. Collaborate with Influencers:

  Collaboration can significantly boost your content’s visibility. Reach out to influencers in your industry for guest blogging opportunities, interviews, or joint ventures. Influencers already have a built-in audience that trusts them, so their endorsement can help you gain credibility and reach.

A Customizable Template for Outreach

If you are well-versed in skyscraper techniques, using a specific email template to send emails could be an excellent first step. Canva implemented a similar strategy to acquire backlinks, which ultimately contributed an additional $6 billion to their company’s value!

Here’s a customizable email template you can use for your outreach efforts:

Subject: [Your Content Title] – A Resource Your Readers Will Love

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am the author of [Your Blog/Website]. I recently came across your article on [Topic of Their Article], and I was impressed by the depth and insights you provided.

I wanted to share with you an in-depth guide I recently published on [Your Topic], titled “[Your Content Title].” Given your interest in [Related Topic], I believe this piece could be a valuable resource for your readers. It includes [Brief Overview of Your Content—e.g., original research, updated statistics, comprehensive strategies].

Here’s the link to the article: [Link to Your Article]

I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a look and consider sharing it with your audience if you find it useful. I’m always open to feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on the content.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position, Blog/Website Name]

[Contact Information]

By following these steps and utilizing this outreach template, you can effectively promote your content and leverage the power of networking to boost your blog’s visibility and authority.

Bonus: Create Once Distribute Forever

Once you’ve mastered the skyscraper technique, the key is to leverage your content endlessly. By embracing the mantra “Create Once, Distribute Forever,” you ensure that your work reaches a wider audience through various platforms.

Share your content on Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, and other social media channels to maximize its impact. Regularly update and repurpose your content to maintain its relevance and appeal.

Utilize email newsletters, podcasts, and guest blogging as additional avenues for distribution. Remember, the more you share, the greater the return on your initial investment. 

As Ross Simmonds wisely advises, after you have followed the skyscraper technique, you need to follow one golden rule laid by Ross Simmonds, Create once, distribute forever, say, watch what he says about it, and get a copy of your guide by him.

Here’s what a lot of people ask about the Skyscraper Method in 2024:

Does the skyscraper method work?

Yes, the skyscraper method works effectively by leveraging high-quality backlinks and improving upon existing content to boost visibility and engagement. 

Does the skyscraper technique still work?

Yes, the skyscraper technique still works, assuming the content you create is superior in value and you’re diligent in your outreach efforts.

Why is the skyscraper technique important?

The skyscraper technique is important because it helps generate high-quality backlinks, increase organic traffic, and improve search engine rankings by providing superior content.

Conclusion: Skyscraper Technique

In conclusion, the skyscraper technique is a powerful and effective content marketing strategy that can help boost your blog’s visibility and organic traffic.

By following the steps outlined here and utilizing outreach efforts, you can create valuable, high-quality content and leverage the power of networking to promote it.

The skyscraper technique may take some time and effort to implement, but the results are worth it in terms of increased engagement, backlinks, and search engine rankings. So why not give it a try in your next content creation project?

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