
What is First-Party Data?

Delve into First-Party Data, information directly collected from users.

First-Party Data is information collected directly by a company from its customers, users, or audience. It includes data gathered from interactions, transactions, and behaviors observed on a company’s website, app, CRM, surveys, and other owned channels.

This type of data is highly valuable as it is accurate, reliable, and specific to the company’s audience, enabling personalized marketing, improved customer experiences, and informed business decisions.

In contrast, zero-party data is information that users intentionally and proactively share with a company, including preference center data, purchase intentions, and explicit user preferences, providing direct insights into customer expectations and desires.

person sitting with laptop surrounded by data

Sources of First-Party Data

Website analytics

Data collected from user interactions with a company’s  , such as page views, clicks, time spent, and conversion events, are examples of first-party data.

Customer relationship management (CRM) data

Information stored in a CRM system, including customer contact details, purchase history, and communication records, constitutes first-party data.

Subscription and registration information

Data provided by users when subscribing to newsletters, creating accounts, or registering for events is considered first-party data. This guide to writing a privacy policy ensures that users are informed about how their data is collected, used, and protected.

Customer feedback and surveys

Responses and feedback received from customer surveys, reviews, and feedback forms are valuable sources of first-party data.

Social media engagement

Interactions, comments, and engagements on a brand’s social media profiles contribute to the pool of first-party data.

Examples of First-Party Data

E-commerce platforms

Shopify and WooCommerce collect first-party data from online shoppers, such as browsing behavior, purchase history, and cart abandonment, to optimize user experience and marketing strategies.

Streaming services

Netflix and Spotify gather viewing and listening habits, preferences, and ratings from users to personalize content recommendations and enhance user engagement.

Fitness apps

MyFitnessPal and Strava collect user-generated data on workouts, nutrition, and goals to provide personalized fitness plans and insights.

First-party data is a cornerstone for companies aiming to understand their audience better, personalize experiences, and make data-driven decisions. It offers accuracy and specificity, making it a trusted source for enhancing marketing strategies and customer relationships.

Want to learn more? Check it out here.

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