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The Marketing AI Bandwagon: Are You Missing Out? | Vol 103

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Welcome to Volume 103.

Let’s jump into the good stuff. 


The Marketing AI Bandwagon: Are You Missing Out? 

Today, we’re bringing forward a controversial subject: Marketing artificial intelligence (AI).

Some of you like the idea of using AI for your company’s marketing efforts, some of you dislike it, and many of you are skeptical. That’s fair. The idea of machines controlling your marketing is no longer something you’d only see in movies. But it’s still a relatively new and evolving concept, so the skepticism makes perfect sense. It’s not all as bizarre as you think though…

In 2019, 84% of all digital display transactions (i.e. real-time ad-bidding platforms and social media advertising) were automated in the U.S. Companies like Facebook and Google use machine learning (ML) and AI on their advertising platforms. This allows them to optimize ad delivery and reduce the chances of human error. In essence, AI can make your life easier, which is why there’s a booming AI software market on the horizon.

Expected to break $120 billion by 2025, the U.S. market for AI-powered software, hardware, and services isn’t easing up anytime soon, especially not for marketers. 

Though the marketing AI bandwagon is becoming increasingly tempting with efficient methods for personalizing marketing communications and analyzing data and customer behaviors, should you adopt these new automation innovations?  

It’s tough to answer, but let’s look at it this way: If you refuse to adopt AI marketing and your competitors adopt it, then you may be at a disadvantage. And being in a saturated, competitive market, it’s difficult to keep up with the evolution of digital marketing as a whole. 

In fact, research has shown that 88% of executives feel that they can’t keep up with the rapidly evolving modern customer. If you fall into this statistic, it’s important that you get familiar with the movement. Mike Glennon, Senior Research Manager on the Customer Insights & Analytics team at IDC, says “…existing businesses are hesitant to embrace this potential, leaving the greatest opportunities to new market entrants that have no fear of change and can adapt easily to new ways of conducting business.”

AI-powered marketing can help your business better connect with its ideal customers, improve the overall customer experience, and automate various marketing tasks. As a result, your team can be freed up from those tasks and shift their focus to other priority tasks.

Read the full article here.


The Content Distribution Checklist You Need to Drive Sales

You should be maximizing reach on various platforms with your content pieces, not publishing them once and waiting for results. 

You spend all that precious time creating blog posts and social content, then nothing happens. Crickets. Not only is it painful—it’s wasted time and resources. If you want your blog posts to yield wider organic reach and bring in more sales and ROI, you should embrace content distribution

Once you’ve identified your ideal customer profile (ICP) and where they spend time, you should create and distribute content for those channels. It’s a sustainable, efficient, and effective way to reach your audience. We’ve made this easy for you to do with our content distribution checklist—a list of various ways to distribute your content after publishing. This checklist will help you: 

Read the full story on The Content Distribution Checklist: 5 Ways to Get More Eyes on Your Blog Posts.


  • 📈Your wish is my command: Salesforce’s wish to power real-time customer experiences has come true, thanks to Genie.
  • 🤖YouTube rolled out a new AI-powered feature that reformats horizontal videos to vertical ads and optimizes them for TikTok’s main competitor: YouTube Shorts
  • 💰A Bridge to the Metaverse: Epic-backed spatial computing startup, Hadean, Lands a $30M Series A 


There’s no doubt that work can be stressful. Sometimes it’s the work, other times it’s the people, and at times it can be both! Now, we might not be able to fix what’s causing the stress, but we can do the next best thing: manage ourselves. 

Eliminating stressors is often out of your hands but you have the power to manage your own emotions and help create a positive work environment. Emotions are contagious, so it’s important that you try to spread positive ones. But you should feel positive first. I’ve compiled a list of my 3 favorite tips for spreading positivity in the workplace and beyond. Let’s jump in!

1. Create a morning routine and stick with it. I discovered the brilliant Jim Kwik last year and came across this episode in his Kwik Brain podcast about maximizing productivity. In this episode, Kwik talks about forming a morning routine to help you establish habits that “create positive momentum to move you forward.” Kwik shares an ambitious list of things he does each morning but it doesn’t mean you have to do them all. Start with a  short list and gradually add to it. PRO TIP: Set a specific goal (I will do all of [task/activity]] by [date].”).

2. Celebrate your colleagues. I was watching a webinar on customer success with Greg Daines, “The Churn Whisperer,” and he said something that I haven’t been able to let go of: “…a good compliment can last me a couple of months.” How many of you feel that way? I know when I get a shoutout from a colleague, I’m good for 2-3 weeks! So imagine how others would feel to receive a compliment from you. With that in mind, here’s a challenge for you: Shout out one of your colleagues for doing something kind or helpful today. That’s it. 

3. Ground yourself. Go outside and walk to your nearest patch of grass, kick off those shoes and socks, and step those feet onto the grass. If you’re feeling brave, take it a step further–get those feet into some dirt. There’s nothing like being one with nature and grounding yourself in the earth. It may sound gnarly but grounding has many physiological benefits that directly impact your health and wellness: 

  • Improving sleep
  • Speeding up wound healing
  • Reducing stress and lowering blood pressure
  • Reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation

This list of benefits is just scratching the surface, but hopefully it’s it enough for you to be intrigued and give one of these ideas a shot. And if that doesn’t do it for you, then this quote from a Washington Post article should: “Humans evolved in direct contact with the Earth’s subtle electric charge, but have lost that sustained connection thanks to inventions such as buildings, furniture, and shoes with insulated synthetic soles.” 

Now that you know the impact grounding has on your health, it’s time to put it into action: Add a weekly 15-minute recurring block to your calendar so you can get grounded on a regular basis. Now, this will be challenging for East Coasters as the weather gets colder so don’t wait!

I hope you find these tips useful. I know positivity is contagious. Spreading it will help you and those around you, and you may not even know it. ♥️

I’d also love to hear from you! Feel free to drop your tips in the comments below. 


How to find the right customers, readers, listeners, and social followers by Amanda Natividad




Les Fleurs by Minnie Ripperton

This charcuterie board of insights is brought to you by Saad Zora ✌🏾!

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