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How To Sell To Developers | Vol 98

Free Content

Welcome to Volume 98!

Hope you’ve had a great week so far. If you haven’t, the weekend is in sight, so you’ll have more alone time to rest and strategize.

We have lots to chat through today. Here’s what’s to come: 

  • Performance metrics your CMO actually cares about
  • The Google helpful update is here
  • How to sell to developers

Let’s jump right in.. 

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Performance Metrics Your CMO Actually Cares About


Many marketers fall into the trap of reporting metrics that don’t impact the company’s revenue and brand affinity. They are unable to identify the performance metrics that matter most to the CMO, C-suite executives, and the rest of the team. 

If you’ve been struggling with how to identify, visualize, and communicate the data that matters most, we have a gift for you. We want to turn you into a rockstar in the boardroom or “zoom room” for remote workers 😉. Our gift to you is two-fold: 

  1. A video that tells you what metrics to track. After all, we can’t keep track of our KPIs if we don’t track and gather the right data. 
  2. Free access to a tool you can use to track performance marketing metrics that will move the needle for your business. 

So, watch the video, get those metrics, and try Geckoboard for free to score points with your CMO and team.

Get your free 14-day Geckoboard trial today—on us!


The Google Helpful Update is here

how to ensure your content is always helpful

The internet was on fire last week with tons of industry experts sharing their thoughts on Google’s helpful update. In case you missed the news, let me bring you to speed. 

Google is rolling out the helpful content update to ensure users get the most helpful answers to their queries. The algorithm will reward content that best fulfills search intent, and fluffy content won’t stand a chance. 

Of course, the best way to avoid getting in Google’s black book is to create content for people first, then optimize for search later. For existing blog posts, that means refreshing and optimizing existing content.

Review your content library every quarter and identify pieces that drive the most ROI for your business and those with potential. What new insight, data, trend, social proof, or perspective can you add to make the content more valuable for your audience?

Ross shares some helpful content tips on how to spice up existing content:

  • Update the key takeaway section (or add one if there isn’t one right now).
  • Add a table of contents to make it easy for readers to navigate the piece.
  • Include quotes from subject matter experts.
  • Update old data and reference new, relevant industry data to boost credibility.
  • Embed related videos and podcasts to give readers more helpful information.
  • Arm your audience with free tools, downloadable templates, checklists, ebooks, and other useful resources.
  • Create more catchy, informative visuals. Consider turning blocks of text into visuals where possible.
  • Add new H2 or H3 sections where necessary. Expand existing key points by adding relevant examples to walk readers through how they can solve problems.
  • Keep the language simple and compelling, and ensure your content solves the reader’s pain points.
  • Update the date of your piece to show readers they’re reading something fresh.

Overall, make shipping helpful content a company-wide priority. Put your audience at the center of your ideation, creation, and update process. That’s how you create content that shapes culture and reap the ROI of content marketing


How To Sell To Developers 

Developers are hard to please. 

That’s because developers dislike the traditional sales funnel and can smell phony marketing and sales tactics from a mile away. So how do you sell to them? How do Atlassian, Stripe, and MongoDB successfully sell to developers?

By leveraging developer-specific marketing tactics.

Openview recently interviewed over 50 developers and 15+ GTM and operations executives at leading, developer-focused SaaS brands to identify:

  • Why traditional marketing tactics don’t work on developers 
  • How developers think and buy software

Then the team compiled the findings into the developer-focused go-to-market playbook. Here are some key takeaways from the asset:

  1. Successful SaaS companies let developers use the product before buying and adopt a usage-based pricing model instead of a user-based pricing strategy. 
  2. The buyer’s journey for the developer is a lot different from the traditional SaaS user journey. Here’s the difference:
  3. These successful businesses favor organic growth channels over paid. That means doing the little things like creating a developer-focused community, creating clean, easy-to-navigate API documentation, and more.
  4. Developers and Engineers prefer educational content to promotional content.

There are many other lessons you can steal to improve your own strategy, especially if you sell to developers. You can download and read the full report here.


🚀Canva rolls out Whiteboards for teams to collaborate as part of the pre-design process.

⚠️Advertisers aren’t the only ones using cookies. Hackers now use cookies to bypass two-factor authentication.

♻️Since many crossword apps want to be Wordle, New York Times is now making Wordle a part of its crossword application.


Most people discuss how much of a distraction social media can be.

Here’s the thing: Social media can be both good and bad, but it all depends on how the user chooses to consume it. 

You can make your social media experience great by optimizing your feed, impacting others with valuable content, and engaging in meaningful conversations. You are, after all, what you eat. 

If you let your newsfeed run wild, attracting all sorts of negativity, you’ll soon find your life being shaped by negativity. However, if you optimize your feed and watch what you consume, you’ll be better positioned to thrive in your career and other areas of your life. It’s all up to you. 

If you want to follow accounts that move you closer to hitting your goals, here are 100 marketers to follow on Twitter.


Simple ways to generate leads and revenue by Ross Simmonds 



2000s Jojo/Hillary Duff

Be sure to check out Geckoboard for data visualization anyone can understand. 📈

This charcuterie board of insights is brought to you by me, Jessica Tee O. ✌🏾!

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