
What is Newsjacking?

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Newsjacking refers to the practice of leveraging current news events to elevate a brand’s message or content. By capitalizing on the momentum of trending news, businesses can gain visibility, drive conversations, and position themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

newsjacking cartoon


  1. During the 2013 Super Bowl, when a power outage caused the lights to go out, Oreo quickly tweeted “You can still dunk in the dark,” capitalizing on the unexpected event to promote their cookies.
  2. When Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement, many jewelers newsjacked the event by promoting similar sapphire engagement rings.


Stay Informed: Regularly monitor news outlets and social media trends to identify potential newsjacking opportunities.

Act Quickly: Newsjacking is time-sensitive. Once a relevant news story breaks, act swiftly to create and share your content.

Be Relevant: Ensure your content is directly related to the news event and provides value to your audience.

Stay Respectful: Avoid newsjacking sensitive or controversial topics that could harm your brand’s reputation.

Want to learn more? Check out the best tips on content strategy here.

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