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How Attentive Excels at Cross-Platform Distribution | Vol 189

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Welcome to Volume 189 👋

Happy Thursday! 

In this week’s newsletter, we cover: 

Let’s get into it.

🚀 MozCon 2024 — Discount Tickets 🚀

It’s that time of year again! 

Ross is heading to Seattle at the beginning of June to speak at MozCon 2024. Last year’s event was an amazing experience, and he’s fired up to connect with y’all again!

Oh, and if you still need tickets, Ross has some coupons available (for now 👀). Whether you want to go for the live experience or tune in for the live stream, get your discount tickets here before they run out:

Introducing Create Once, Distribute Forever: The Book

It’s time to get a head start on that summer reading list — Ross’s new book, Create Once, Distribute Forever, is officially available. He’s been preaching the value of content distribution for years across social media, podcasts, and the speaking circuit. 

These days, how and where you distribute your work is more important than the work itself if you want to make an impact — amazing products and extraordinary ideas are no longer enough. 

Distribution is the missing piece in many SaaS marketing engines, even those at the enterprise level. That’s why Ross put this book together.

Blurb for Ross Simmonds Book

Create Once, Distribute Forever is about how to build a sustainable, long-term marketing strategy and ensure as many people see your content as possible. With real-world examples, helpful checklists, and a step-by-step playbook for crafting your own distribution plan, you don’t want to miss this!

Ready to radically transform your content distribution strategy? Order the book today.


How Attentive Excels at Cross-Platform Distribution

Some B2B brands rely on a few channels to drive the majority of their web traffic. In extreme cases, it even comes down to a few lead magnets that are dominating specific SERPs or social platforms. 

At the other end of the spectrum, there are companies like Attentive — the SMS unicorn that recently jumped from an $80-million to a $2-billion valuation — that support growth in a more comprehensive manner. 

Our very own Chris Meabe recently looked into Attentive’s content marketing and cross-platform distribution strategy. He found that their organic growth is driven by a high-volume content production strategy — the company published over 200 pieces in a single year, targeting a broad spectrum of long-tail keywords. 

This organic investment is certainly paying off: 

A graph of attentive's blog traffic

Not only do these pages enhance Attentive’s SEO, but they also help the SMS platform build a robust internal backlink structure that improves both search engine understanding and user experience. 

But publishing is just half the story. Attentive is achieving great results by embracing content distribution: 

  • Remixing content across key platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, X, Facebook, and YouTube. 
  • Utilizing the unique strengths of each channel — from LinkedIn’s professional network to Instagram’s visual storytelling. 
  • Amplifying Attentive’s reach while driving significant traffic back to their website.

For a deeper dive into Attentive’s high-growth content strategy and how they leveraged keyword ramping and multi-platform distribution to achieve remarkable success, check out the full article on the Foundation Labs page.

👀 What’s the Latest in B2B SaaS This Week? 👀

New Podcast Alert: Mastering Writing and Editing with Erica Schneider

If you want to elevate your writing game, you won’t find a better teacher than Erica Schneider. She’s the founder of Cut the Fluff and has edited over three million words for startups who need help finding their voice. 

Erica sat down with Ross for the most recent episode of Create Like the Greats to dive into the art of writing and editing. Here are a few highlights:

  • Erica’s journey from blog writing on UpWork to editing millions of words
  • How clear thinking is the simple secret to creating high-quality content
  • Collaborating with other creators to sharpen your hook writing skills
  • Striking a balance between AI tools and human creativity in copywriting

Tune in to hear the whole thing on Apple Podcasts or Spotify 🎧

🧠 This Week’s Brain Food 🧠 

Does running over your internet cord with a lawnmower sound like a recipe for a great weekend at the family cottage? It certainly didn’t to me — especially on the Friday of our unofficial start-of-summer long weekend in Canada.

But I’m happy to announce that this impromptu digital detox was actually the perfect way to kick things off. 

For my family, making the three-hour trek Up North is about getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s about taking in the fresh air, the serene landscape, and having an opportunity to unplug and reconnect with family and friends. 

Growing up, this was never an issue. Aside from a few cable channels and some VHS tapes, there was nothing that could compete with the great outdoors. Now, even a small town on one of the Great Lakes can’t escape the reach of streaming platforms and social media. 

Starting to see why this cable mishap was a blessing in disguise?

This forced downtime helps us focus on the things in front of us, whether it’s reading a book on the porch, doing puzzles with family, or enjoying a sunset without the need to capture it for Instagram.

Here’s to unburied cables, tall grass, and happy coincidences! 🍻

Intersection 2024: Explore the Leading Edge of AI and Marketing

Big things are in store — Foundation’s best and brightest are kicking off the summer at Intersection 2024! Whether you want to learn how industry leaders future-proof their marketing strategies or network with professionals at the forefront of digital marketing, you don’t want to miss this opportunity. 

You’ll hear from a number of great speakers, including the following brilliant Foundationites: 

  • Ross Simmonds — Founder and CEO
  • James Scheer — VP of Strategy
  • Chris Meabe — Senior Content Specialist

Want to take part in one of the most exciting industry events of the summer? 

👉 Register now to secure your spot!

Want to sponsor our next issue? Reply to this email, and we’ll share how you can reach more SaaS founders and marketers today.

🏅 Twitter/X Thread of the Week

The Uncertain State of Google’s AI Overviews by Aravind Srivinas

🎖️ LinkedIn Post of the Week

AI weekly recap: The battle between heavyweights continues by Kevin Mu

🤳🏽 Nice Finds You Should Binge

💻 Job Postings Worth Checking Out

Looking for a new opportunity? Here’s a round-up of some exciting job openings in the B2B SaaS space. 

Want us to include your job postings in our next issue? Reply to this email, and we’ll share how you can reach more SaaS professionals today.

🎧 What We’re Wired Into This Week

The PWHL playoffs

This smattering of SaaS stories is brought to you by Ethan Crump!

If you have any feedback, suggestions, or ideas you want to see in this newsletter, feel free to email me at We always look for ways to improve and provide the best B2B SaaS marketing resources. 

Have a great weekend, and see you on the other side!

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